Monday, January 14, 2008

A real BLAST from the PAST!

Here's a real BLAST from my PAST for you to smile over!

We start with a photo of little Master Innocent, sitting with my sister, aged I would guess about 3 - 4 years old.

Older now, and I hope a little wiser, here I am aged 24 with the brilliant poet Richard Ball.

This photo was part of my modelling portfolio when I was 30! In those days I still had hair!

And here's a shot from those distant days!

Then there's been quite a few Plays that I've enjoyed performing in over the years!

This is a scene from 'Lloyd George New My Father' by William Douglas-Hume

And this, which I promise is the final pic in this quick look backwards, are some of the cast from 'Night Must Fall' by Emlyn Williams

Hope you enjoyed the show dear reader!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! What a history you have....ah, the path that leads to our present.
