Wednesday, January 16, 2008

'Soylent Green' & all that!

Some years ago I watched a Sci-fi film called Soylent Green which depicted a futuristic world wherein the problems of over-population versus food shortages had been resolved by encouraging State-controlled euthanasia, with the bodies being converted into a food product named 'Soylent Green'. Not a very nice thought! In fact it was a film about the unthinkable really. After all, what it really depicted was a sort of State-inspired cannabalism.

So what brings this film to mind, you might well ask? Well, after all the protests about GM crops and the concerns of the millions of consumers who are NOT SHAREHOLDERS in company's such as Monsanto or Novartis, nothing should surprise us too much about the latest abomination of cloned animals that are going to enter the food chain. It's well worth reading the report by the Center for Food Safety about this subject.

Do you have to eat these things? The answer is a resounding 'NO'! You, dear reader, are an intelligent, individual, human being, and, as such, YOU are one of the people for electing people into Public Office who are there to serve the needs of their public --- and that means YOU! The more that you can grow yourself, either at home or as part of a co-operative, the better. The alternative to home-produced food is to support Farm Shops and Farm Co-operatives where all of the food on sale is organically produced, guaranteed free from the various Sci-fi factors that our governments seem so ready to support these days.

Why do they offer such ready support to these projects? i guess that the answer is the age-old answer of plain greed. There's so much money involved, and I'm sure some of that is used to grease the paths of easier and greater profits.

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