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Monday, March 17, 2008

Holy Week

Good Friday

This darkest day,
So full of deepest sorrow;
Yet all was giv’n
That we might live tomorrow.
My Lord hung there,
Upon the cross at Calv’ry;
He bled and died,
To pour on us His mercy.

Man’s darkest deed,
God’s plan for man’s redemption;
Christ’s dying breath,
Forgiveness and exemption.
The world stood by,
His body cut and bleeding;
His mother watched
And heard His final pleading.

How could they know
That God had planned this dying?
As they gazed on
Through eyes so dim with crying.
The skies went dark,
It seemed sin won the vict’ry;
Oh, darkest hour,
Upon the cross at Calv’ry.

Yet now we know
That death was there defeated;
For sin had lost,
Lord Jesus was triumphant.
Upon that day,
That dark day full of sorrow,
Our Saviour died,
That we might live tomorrow.

© 2008 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh (March 2008)

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