My 'In The News' item today considers the story in today's Press about the fact that the building of new Mosques may be banned in many parts of Italy. The Northern League party is piloting a Bill through the Italian Parliament which, if passed, will impose strict regulations that will serve to effectively block the building of nearly all new Mosques. They have woken up to the vast inroads made by the Islamic community in terms of erecting new places of worship, and the Northern League parliamentarian, Andrea Gibelli, in response to the estimate that permission is currently granted for a new mosque or prayer hall somewhere in the centre of world Catholicism every four days, is quoted as saying, "I consider this to be a an unfettered colonisation of our culture."
He goes on to explain the reasoning behind his Bill, saying that mosques discourage integration and "are often places of cultural indoctrination, sometimes linked to international terrorism".
Personally, I don't see any problem in erecting as many new Mosques as are required in any country, with one proviso, and that is that for every Mosque erected in a non-Islamic country there should be a Christian Cathedral erected in a major city of an Islamic country. If there is a one-for-one policy adopted then I would suggest that we would see the number of applications for new Mosques certainly dwindle, and possibly die out altogether. However, because of the large voting power of the Muslim populace, I can't think of any politician with the nous to carry the proposal through!
There are currently more than a million Muslims in Italy, representing some 1.5% of the population.
According to a recent report by Dr Peter Hammond, at this level of occupation there is no threat to the country as long as the percentage of Muslims is below 2%. Beyond that percentage their are moves to proselytize from amongst other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from amongst the criminals in goal, and amongst street gangs. In the UK, with an estimated 2.7% of the population being Muslim, this is already happening. As the percentage increases so do the demands, and, more often than not, governments in search of votes are happy to oblige.
Here in the UK, albeit relatively unknown to the average Mr & Mrs Brit, Sharia Law has now been officially adopted, with Sharia Courts being given power to rule on Muslim civil cases, including cases of domestic violence. This has been 'shoe-horned' in by the government. The electorate at large certainly had no opportunity to vote on whether they were prepared to accept two systems of law in the country!
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