This should make you think! These pictures are from London! Can you imagine having a Christian demonstration against Islam in downtown Baghdad!
These pictures show what the future of the Western World is if our governments continue to carry out policies of appeasement. Islamic extremists have stated that England will be the first country they take over, and it has even been stated a couple of years ago in Parliament that it would happen within ten years. We already have seen Sharia Law surreptitiously brought in and it is currently being practised in many areas of the UK. Remember, the hordes of Muslims in this country are voters and our politicians are more interested in creaming votes that keep them in office than anything else, no matter the ultimate cost to our nation. If this were not the case then we would not see demonstrations such as the one shown here on our streets.
These pictures are of Muslims marching through the STREETS OF LONDON during their recent 'Religion of Peace Demonstration'.
Why would anyone think that we should fear such nice, peaceful Muslims? Christians and non-Christians need to know what is going on, and these pictures tell it all, exactly as it is! These are pictures not shown on our TV screens nor in the Press.

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