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Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm off to Tallahassee soon!

In two weeks I shall be boarding a flight to Tallahassee in order to spend eight days helping to promote a new CD of my worship songs which is being released by Sheer Joy Music. The CD features the fabulous voice of Charlotte Kerce.
I first heard Charlotte singing the great song Peace in the Valley when I visited the site of my song-writing partner Greg Scheer, and I thought to myself that hers was a voice that I could listen to all day and not tire of it. Through Greg I contacted Charlotte and we have worked on this album over the last couple of years. I was really fortunate to have Warren Halstrom produce the album for Sheer Joy Music. I'm sure that you, dear reader, will enjoy the result once it has been release in a couple of weeks.

Hymn for today . . .

My Prayer
Tune: Jesus loves me

Father, hear me as I pray,
Jesus take my sins away;
Help me pass the darkest night,
Praise His glory in the Light.
Keep me, my Saviour,
Yes, keep me my Lord;
Keep me forever,
As promised in Your Word!

Though in sin I bow in shame,
Help me call upon His name;
Teach me how I should forgive,
As each day in Christ I live.
Keep me, my Saviour,
Yes, keep me my Lord;
Keep me forever,
As promised in Your Word!

Seeking always as I walk
Christ the Truth, the Life, the Way;
Serving Jesus in this world,
Praise Him always every day.
Keep me, my Saviour,
Yes, keep me my Lord;
Keep me forever,
As promised in Your Word!

Helping others in His name,
Find salvation through the Son;
Till we stand in heaven’s light
Praising Him for battles won!
Keep me, my Saviour,
Yes, keep me my Lord;
Keep me forever,
As promised in Your Word!

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2007

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Psalm 46:1 (King James Version)

I have received several emails through the years from people who have told me that God provided a job for them when they were growing desperate. God knows what we need and He is always on time. It may seem like He is not answering our prayers but He is faithful and will answer us when the time is right.

No matter what we need, God is always on time. There are times when I get cabin fever. I needed to get out of the house today but didn’t have a way to do it. He just provided a way. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for caring enough to provide a way for me to get out of the house for a while today. I really appreciate Your help and kindness. Amen.

I don’t know what is going on in your life today but God knows and He is faithful. Just when you think you are going to sink and you don’t know where your next meal is coming from and you don’t have the money to pay your bills, He will provide. What a loving compassionate and faithful Heavenly Father we are privileged to have!

Don’t despair, tell God what you need. He already knows but He wants you to come to Him as a little child dependent upon Him for everything. Without Him, we can do nothing. After He answers your prayers, don’t forget to praise and thank Him for what He has done. Always remember, He loves you so much that He gave His beloved Son to die for you so you can be saved.

Joanne Lowe

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Living Water

We will drink Living Water,
We will drink Living Water,
Yes, we’ll drink Living Water,
From Jesus, our well.

He will feed and sustain us,
He will feed and sustain us,
Yes, He’ll feed and sustain us,
When we give ourselves.

We will never go hungry,
We will never go hungry,
No, we’ll never go hungry,
The rest of our days.

He will cleanse us for ever,
He will cleanse us for ever,
Yes, He’ll cleanse us for ever,
When His name we praise.

We will never be thirsty,
We will never be thirsty,
No, we’ll never be thirsty,
When His name we raise.

For we’ll drink Living Water,
We will drink Living Water,
Yes, we’ll drink Living Water,
From Jesus, our well.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2007

Click on the image of the sheet music to print or copy & paste, and then enjoy playing and singing this modern worship song.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Equality Bill: Government defeated

Lords defeat Government over church staff

A few minutes ago the Government lost a Lords vote over its attempt to alter the law on who churches can employ. In a series of votes, Peers voted to keep the current law unchanged. The current law allows churches and other faith-based employers to protect their ethos by insisting staff live consistently with the religion's doctrine on sexual behaviour.

On Age & Friendship

Plans for extremist 'Megamosque' in tatters

The following alert is from Stephen Green at Christian Voice.

1 Council moves against proposed megamosque
The Times is reporting that the plans of an extremist Muslim sect for a 'megamosque' in West Ham have collapsed. Tablighi Jamaat have failed to submit a planning application, following a three-year prayer campaign at the site by Christian Voice. The sect, closely linked to Muslim terrorists, has been living on borrowed time since October 2006. That is when temporary planning permission for use of the old chemical plant's offices at Abbey Mills as a place of worship expired. Christian Voice members have prayed at the site every first Saturday in the month since January 2007.

Newham Council have now issued an enforcement notice, 'investigating all options, including compulsory purchase'. Much credit is due to Cllr Alan Craig, who has kept up a solid campaign in Newham council since Tablighi Jamaat's ambitions for a 12,000-seater mosque were unveiled. However, Cllr Craig is expecting the sect to appeal. 'This is just a set-back for this group, not the end of the story,' he warned yesterday.

The Times also reported that Tablighi Jamaat's architects are not working on the plans and their public relations firm is no longer formally engaged. This last specifically shows the power of prayer, as we have prayed constantly for confusion in the mosque and disruption to the work of architects Allies Morrison and PR firm Indigo Public Affairs. We have also prayed for Muslims to turn from their dead prophet to the living Saviour and for the United Kingdom to return to the King of kings and to our Christian constitution.

The Lord has not yet answered the latter prayers, as Britain has become every more brutal and godless in that time, with persecution beginning against Christians at work, while the Government is now openly attacking the Church in its Equality Bill.

But He has heard the prayers of His people against Islamic ambition in West Ham. I believe he calls us now to press in to ensure there is yet a use for the Abbey Mills site which honours the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no doubt that the 'Allah' Muslims worship is not the same being as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And if Christians do not stand up for the Cross of Christ, we may well be condemning our land to bow to the crescent moon of Allah.

2 Next prayer meeting at the site: 6th February 2010
We shall meet at West Ham Station (E15 3BN) at 10.30am sharp to set off for the Greenway overlooking the site of the proposed megamosque. We finish at 12.30pm. West Ham Station is on the Fenchurch Street line to Southend, and on the Metropolitan and City, District and Jubilee underground lines. Check with for 'planned engineering works' to the Tube.
If you come late to West Ham, turn right out of the station, turn right along Manor Road, under the railway bridge, across the roundabout (you can park there down Jack Clow Road), turn right onto the path just before the second bridge and turn left up the steps. Turn left at the top of the steps onto the Greenway and walk a hundred yards to overlook the site.
Put yourself out to come and stand up for Christ whatever the weather and be challenged and blessed! (Phil 1:27-29).

These meetings are always on the first Saturday of the month and we are not giving up. In the words of the late football manager Bill Shankley: 'It's not over till it's over; it's not even over when it's over.' Future dates: 6th March, 3rd April. The Lord is honouring our persistence; we are now in our 4th year of prayer at this site, and seeing results!

Continue in prayer; watch in the same with thanksgiving. (Col 4:2 KJV)

Equality Bill : Crucial Vote Today

Crucial vote today, please pray for the right outcome.

Today, Monday 25th January 2010, the House of Lords will vote on a key religious liberty issue in the Equality Bill. The Government is planning to drastically alter a religious liberty law that allows churches and other Christian groups to insist that staff (including a church minister) live consistently with the Bible's teaching on sexual behaviour. Lady O'Cathain has proposed an amendment to keep the current law unchanged.

Please pray that Lady O'Cathain's amendment succeeds.

This is part of the governments continuing exercise of trying to distance people from God's laws by liberalising the way people live to a detrimental effect. It is also a great part of the reason for the overall breakdown in this damaged society in which we live.

The government sets itself against God at their peril, and their day of reckoning will soon arrive. There will be plenty of time for reflection when they are out in the cold, wondering where they went wrong!

A Modern Fable

Not A Very Good Example
The motorist approached the intersection when the light turned amber. He did the right thing and stopped at the crossing, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection. The driver in the car behind who had been tail-gating him for the last ten minutes screeched to a halt, narrowly avoiding driving into the rear of his car. She was furious, and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get across the crossroad, dropping her cell phone and make-up in her fury.

Whilst she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer who ordered her to get out of her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.

He said, ''I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you and cursing at him, I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally . . . I assumed you had stolen the car.''

The moral of this story is:
Never pretend to be what you obviously are not!

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore. For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell.”
Psalm 86:12, 13 (King James Version)

Charles Hutchinson Gabriel, who was a teacher, composer and music director in church, wrote a beautiful inspiring song that has encouraged my heart for many years “I Stand Amazed in the Presence”. The words in this song touch my heart and reassure me of His love for me.

“I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, And wonder how He could love me, A sinner, condemned, unclean”. Many years ago, He lifted me up from underneath a hospital bed where I had crawled because I was afraid of everyone and everything and had no desire to live.

He put His compassionate arms around me and told me that He loved me. He told me that it was safe to come out from under the bed, that He would protect me and never leave me. What a Saviour, this Jesus of Nazareth! There is no one like Jesus. No one loves us like He loves us.

To know that the Saviour of the world loves me unconditionally not only fills my heart with joy and happiness, it also amazes me. Why would the Saviour of the world love me? It is because He is love. His heart is filled with compassion and unconditional love for all of us.

He loves you so much that He died for you. He really does love you and He cares about you. When you are hurting He weeps, and when you are happy, He rejoices. If you are hurting today, allow Him to comfort and encourage you as only He can.

Joanne Lowe

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Koinonia Community& friends of mine . . .

One of the particularly good things about publishing The Voice Christian News & Viewsmagazine is that it has, over the past few years, introduced me to so many folk around the world, many of whom I have become friends with either by email or telephone, or both. One such person is Natalie Hunsucker who, alongside her husband, has founded the Koinonia Community in North Carolina, and who charts the progress on her occasional Blog.

Natalie is a very busy Christian, home-schooling, young mum, but manages somehow to find the time to produce lots of good things which not only benefit her family but also, I'm sure, are given as gifts to those close to them.

These photos show just a smidgen of the good things that Natalie makes at home. Starting with bread, the staple food of life, moving on to pickled peppers and home-made soap.

Quite apart from the usefulness of her talents, she has the immense satisfaction of being a provider. Why not visit her Blog by clicking on the link under the heading of 'Sites I Like'.

Haiti Earthquake: News from Heaven's Family

David Servant is a friend of mine who runs Orphan's Tear and Heaven's Family. Through his charity work makes sure personally that everything is above board. That is why you can trust him, as I do, to get help and money to the right people when a disaster occurs.

If you want a truly reliable way to get aid into the right hands, I can highly recommend David's ministry very highly. Here's his latest update about the disaster in Haiti:

-by David Servant.

I'm glad that I have some encouraging news to report from Haiti. He is Alive! Yesterday morning I learned that a dear Haitian friend of thirty years, pastor Preval Meritil, is alive. He is not only alive, he is well. He has been using his old Land Rover to transport believers from Port-au-Prince, where relief efforts are bottlenecked at the airport, to his church compound up in the mountains, several
hours away. Residents of Port-au-Prince are streaming from the city to escape scarcity of food and water, the stench of death, continued aftershocks, and the escalating violence.

Safe Water for 10,000:
HF International Director Chuck King successfully delivered 100 Sawyer Water filters to our primary representative in the bordering nation of the Dominican Republic ($4,000 worth). Those filters can provide enough safe drinking water for 10,000 people each day. Initially, they are being distributed to several field hospitals where the need is so great.

Food and Meds Delivered:
Area representative James Jones traveled overland into Haiti to deliver some of those water filters, as well as food, bottled water and medical supplies provided by Heaven's Family. He has shipped similar supplies by air. He has also helped set up a MASH unit on Haiti's border that is treating the injured who are flown in by
helicopter. He is bringing in thirty medical interns and ten surgeons from the Dominican Republic.

Our Orphanages:
Until I spoke with pastor Preval, the only news we had about our two orphanages in Haiti was an unconfirmed report that eight orphans were found alive in Port-au-Prince. We anxiously waited for more news, but feared the worst. Praise God, however, pastor Preval reported that all the orphans are alive and uninjured, as
well as the orphanage directors! He said their greatest need right now is for food. I'll let you know more details as further news comes in. Please keep praying for them.

Heading to Haiti:
I'm currently in London on ministry business, but will arrive home this evening. I'll be leaving for Haiti early tomorrow morning along with HF staff member Jeff Trotter. We're hoping to reach our orphanage in Port-au-Prince (although that may be too dangerous at this time), as well as assess where we should focus next.
Thanks so very much for your help once again. Your compassion is making a difference.

To contribute securely via the Heaven's Family website, click below-

(This is a registered charity).

To contribute by check in the U.S. or from any country other than
the U.K., please write "Disaster Relief" in the memo line and mail
it to Heaven's Family, P.O. Box 12854, Pittsburgh, PA, 15241, USA.

To contribute by cheque in the U.K., please write "Disaster Relief"
in the memo line and mail it to Heaven's Family, P.O. Box 3736,
Ascot, Berkshire, SL57WR.

To call our office during regular business hours (8:30AM - 5PM EST
in the USA) call (412) 833-5826.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Joanne Lowe's Meditations


“But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.”
Matthew 9:36 {King James Version}

One of the definitions for shepherd in Webster’s Dictionary is “to guide or guard as in the manner of a shepherd”. Isn’t that what Jesus does for us? He guides and guards us. However, not only is Jesus the shepherd of our lives, He is also the shepherd of our hearts. He protects us from the attacks of satan.

Jesus has a tender loving heart. It is a heart that is filled with unconditional love and compassion for us. There is no one like Jesus. No one loves us like He loves us. He loves us so much that He willingly walked that long lonely road to Calvary and died for us on a cross of horror and excruciating pain.

To know that Jesus, the Saviour of the world, loves us so much that He died for us should fill our hearts to overflowing with gratitude and happiness. If He loves us so much that He died for us, we should also love Him so much that we will die for Him.

Are you willing to surrender your life, your heart and everything you have to Jesus? Have you surrendered your life to Him? It should be the desire of every Christian to serve Him. How much do you love Him? Do you love Him enough to give your life in service to Him?

Joanne Lowe

Start the day with a smile!

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. They lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it.

I went to the butchers the other day and I bet him 50 quid that he couldn't reach the meat off the top shelf. He said, 'No, the steaks are too high.'

A man takes his Rotteweiller to the vet. 'My dog is cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?' 'Well,' said the vet, 'let's have a look at him' So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then he checks his teeth. Finally, he says, 'I'm going to have to put him down.' 'What? Because he's cross-eyed?' 'No, because he's really heavy'

Hymn for today . . .

All Praise be to Thee
Tune: Hanover

All praise be to Thee, my Saviour and King:
Such richness and love to my life You bring.
My hands lift in worship, to You now I raise;
My life Lord, forever, an off ‘ring of praise.
For ever to serve with heart and with soul;
To give You my life, For making me whole.
I’ll praise You forever, Your glory proclaim,
Uplift with the whole world Your glorious name!
All praise to Thee, Lord, for ever to be
The Light of the World, all glory to Thee.
All honour and worship are Yours Lord, alone,
We sing out our praise to the great Three-in-One!

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

Charlotte Kerce: Sheer Joy Music release her new CD

Charlotte Kerce is due to have her new CD, titled He's Always With Me, released by Sheer Joy Music in the middle of February. Charlotte sings with the choir at Wildwood Church in Tallahassee, Florida, and has done for many years. She is in great demand to sing as a soloist in and around the Tallahassee area as well.

It has taken some time to bring this CD to this point, due in part to Charlotte having had heart surgery soon after the project was started, and part due to the pressures of her work. At the beginning she wrote to me about her willingness to undertake the recording, with the following words:

"I really loved the words to all the songs you sent and would love to do any of those. I love music that has a clear message of Jesus and all He has done for us, such as the songs you sent me. The message of salvation, His grace, His love, His blood, heaven -- love songs with those kinds of messages."

When Charlotte sings these songs of praise she sings right from her heart, putting all that she has into them, and the result is a that the CD is a glorious hymn of praise to our Lord from beginning to end. The words are by Colin Gordon-Farleigh and the music mainly from the talents of Greg Scheer and Warren Halstrom. Warren also produced the CD for Sheer Joy Music.

Watch out for the CD which will be available from the Sheer Joy Music online shop very soon, priced £9.25 (US$15.00).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.”
Hebrews 6:19, 20 (King James Version)

Henry Lake Gilmour who was a choir director for four decades wrote this inspiring and soul searching song “The Haven Of Rest”. These words should make us search our hearts to see where we have anchored our souls “I’ve anchored my soul in the Haven of Rest”.

When the storms of life threaten to pull us under for the last time, we will sink unless we have anchored our souls in Jesus. We will drown in discouragement, defeat and depression. Have you anchored your soul in Jesus so that you will not sink when satan attacks you?

Heavenly Father, we give You thanks for giving Jesus to us to not only be our personal Saviour but also to be our haven of rest in the midst of a world filled with violence. Indeed You are a compassionate and loving Father. You really do love us and care about us. Thank You for all You do for us. Amen.

Have you given your heart and life to Jesus and anchored your soul in Jesus? Don’t let satan pull you under for the last time. Hold fast to Jesus, our anchor of protection and love. If you have never given your heart and life to Jesus, I urge you to do it right now before it is too late!

Joanne Lowe

Hymn for today . . .

I’ll See Jesus D
Tune: Take Time to be Holy
One day I’ll see Jesus,
We’ll stand face to face;
I’ll offer my praises,
In thanks for His grace.
I’ll worship and thank Him
For His gracious love;
I’ll praise him for ever,
In Heaven above.
For all of life’s blessings,
My family and friends,
I’ll praise Him in glory,
Where life never ends.
I’ll praise Him as Shepherd,
As one of His sheep;
I’m saved by His grace, now
My soul He will keep.
Keep me and protect me,
For my sins atone;
All as one with Jesus,
Rest in Him alone,
Then one day in heaven,
Through His saving grace,
I’ll stand before Jesus,
With Him, face to face.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

The Advice of an Old Farmer

Old Farmer's Advice:

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered...not yelled.
Meanness don't jes' happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway.
Don't judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life.. Then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.
Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.
If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God . . .
Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight,
he'll just kill you . . .

Terrorist Groups Operating in many Churches

Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches. They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin.

Their leader, Lucifer Bin Workin, trained these groups to destroy the Body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy.

However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorism force in the church. Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes along.

Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body of Christ. We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, Bin Fastin, and Bin Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ to return.


(However, you can spot them if you bin lookin and bin goin.)

Tragic Air Disaster

The world 's worst air disaster occurred early this morning when a small two-seater Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery.

Search and rescue workers have recovered 1826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb far higher as digging continues into the night.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Meditationen von Joanne Lowe

“Wenn irgendein individueller heareth das Wort des Königreiches und understandeth es nicht, dann cometh das Böse und catcheth weg, daß das in seinem Herzen gesät wurde. Dies ist er, welcher neben der Wegseite Samen erhielt. Aber er, der den Samen in steinige Stellen erhielt, die Gleichen sind er dieser heareth das Wort, und alsbald mit Freude receiveth es.”
Matthew 13:19, 20, (König James Version)
Wenn wir Jesus als unser persönlicher Retter annehmen, pflanzt Er den Samen bedingungsloser Liebe in unsere Herzen. Wie wir Seiner Kontrolle nachgeben und Ihn His Weg in unsere Herzen und unsere Leben haben ließen, wächst der Samen von Liebe, die Er pflanzte, und wir fangen an, andere bedingungslos zu lieben.
Jesus schmilzt unsere Kälte und gehärtete Herzen. “Ein neues Herz auch werde ich Sie geben, und ein neuer Geist will mich, der innerhalb Ihnen gesetzt werde,: und ich werde das steinige Herz aus Ihrem Fleisch wegnehmen, und ich werde Ihnen ein Herz des Fleisches geben”, Ezekiel 36:26 (27). Danken Sie Gott für Jesus, den Meister Gardener.
Eine der Definitionen für Landschaftsgärtner in Webster 's Dictionary ist “eine Person, die mit der Entwicklung und dekorativem Pflanzen von Gärten und Grund beschäftigt wird.” Mit Jesus wird beschäftigt das das Entwickeln und dekoratives Pflanzen unserer Herzen. Es ist der Wunsch Seines Herzens, daß wir einander bedingungslos lieben, wie Er uns liebt.
Ich glaube manchmal, daß wir vergessen, daß Er nicht nur will, daß wir bedingungslos lieben,; Er hat uns befohlen, einander bedingungslos zu lieben. Wir würden gut machen, um uns zu erinnern dieses ist, ist keine Möglichkeit, bedingungslos zu lieben, es ist ein Gebot. Können wir ehrlich sagen, daß wir andere lieben, als er uns befohlen hat, sie zu lieben?
Joanne Lowe
16. Januar 2010

Méditations de Joanne Lowe

“Quand tout un heareth le mot du royaume, et understandeth il pas, alors cometh le mauvais, et catcheth loin que qui a été semé dans son coeur. C'est il lequel a reçu à propos la graine côté. Mais il cela a reçu la graine dans places rocailleuses, le même est il qu'heareth le mot, et tout à l'heure avec receiveth de la joie il.”
Matthew 13:19, 20, (Roi James Version)

Quand nous acceptons Jésus comme notre Sauveur personnel, Il plante la graine d'amour inconditionnel dans nos coeurs. Comme nous cédons à Son contrôle et l'avons laissé avoir Son entrée nos coeurs et vies, la graine d'amour qu'Il a planté grandit et nous commençons à aimer des autres inconditionnellement.
Jésus fond nos coeurs froids et durcis. “Un nouveau coeur veut aussi je vous donne, et un nouvel esprit veut j'ai mis dans vous: et je retirerai le coeur rocailleux hors de votre chair, et je vous donnerai un coeur de chair” (Ezekiel 36:26, 27). Remerciez Dieu pour Jésus, le Professeur Gardener.
Une des définitions pour jardinier du paysage dans le Dictionnaire de Webster est “une personne qui prend part au développement et planter décoratif de jardins et raisons.” Jésus prend part au développement et planter décoratif de nos coeurs. C'est le désir de Son coeur que nous aimons l'un l'autre inconditionnellement comme Il nous aime.
Je pense quelquefois nous oublions que pas seul fait Il veut que nous aimions inconditionnellement; Il a commandé que nous aimions l'un l'autre inconditionnellement. Nous ferions bien pour se souvenir de cela est n'est pas une option pour aimer inconditionnellement, c'est un commandement. Est-ce que nous pouvons dire honnêtement que nous aimons des autres comme Il a commandé que nous les aimions?
Joanne Lowe
Le 16 janvier 2010

Las meditaciones de Joanne Lowe

“Cuando cualquier un heareth la palabra del reino, y understandeth él no, entonces el cometh el malo, y catcheth lejos que que era el sown en su corazón. Esto es él qué recibió la semilla a propósito el lado. Pero él eso recibió la semilla en los lugares pedregosos, el mismo es él que el heareth la palabra, y pronto con el receiveth de alegría él.”
Matthew 13:19, 20, (Rey James Version)
Cuando nosotros aceptamos a Jesús como nuestro Salvador personal, Él planta la semilla de amor incondicional en nuestros corazones. Cuando nosotros rendimos a Su mando y le permitimos tener Su manera en nuestros corazones y vidas, la semilla de amor que Él plantó crece y nosotros empezamos amando otros incondicionalmente.
Jesús funde nuestro frío y endureció los corazones. “Un nuevo corazón también quiere yo lo doy, y un nuevo espíritu quiere yo puse dentro de usted: y yo me llevaré el corazón pedregoso fuera de su carne, y yo le daré un corazón de carne” (Ezekiel 36:26, 27). Gracias a Dios para Jesús, el Jardinero Principal.
Una de las definiciones para jardinero del paisaje en el Diccionario de Webster es “una persona que está comprometido el desarrollo y el plantando decorativo de jardines y tierras.” Jesús está comprometido el desarrollo y el plantando decorativo de nuestros corazones. Es el deseo de Su corazón que nosotros amamos entre si incondicionalmente cuando Él nos ama.
Yo a veces pienso nosotros no sólo nos olvidamos eso hace Él quiere que nosotros amemos incondicionalmente; Él nos ha ordenado que amemos entre si incondicionalmente. Nosotros haríamos bien para recordar eso es no es una opción para amar incondicionalmente, es un mando. ¿Nosotros podemos decir honestamente que nosotros estamos amando otros cuando Él nos ha ordenado que los amemos?
Joanne Lowe
El 16 de enero de 2010

Meditation from Joanne Lowe

“When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side. But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it.”
Matthew 13:19, 20 (King James Version)

When we accept Jesus as our personal Saviour, He plants the seed of unconditional love in our hearts. As we yield to His control and let Him have His way in our hearts and lives, the seed of love that He planted grows and we start loving others unconditionally.

Jesus melts our cold and hardened hearts. “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26, 27). Thank God for Jesus, the Master Gardener.

One of the definitions for landscape gardener in Webster’s Dictionary is “a person who is engaged in the development and decorative planting of gardens and grounds”. Jesus is engaged in the developing and decorative planting of our hearts. It is the desire of His heart that we love one another unconditionally as He loves us.

I think sometimes we forget that not only does He want us to love unconditionally; He has commanded us to love one another unconditionally. We would do well to remember that is is not an option to love unconditionally, it is a commandment. Can we honestly say that we are loving others as He has commanded us to love them?

Joanne Lowe

Friday, January 15, 2010

Madeleine McCann: Is Goncalo Amaral the GUILTY party?

Not satisfied by the terrible pain of losing their precious daughter and the ensuing struggle to locate her, the McCanns have to deal with the fabrications of disgraced former police investigator Goncalo Amarel's claims that it was they (the McCanns), who are attempting to cover up the death of Madeleine.

In an attempt to enrich himself Amaral has written a book laying out his claims and formulating a variety of suspicions. The book, 'The Truth of the Lie' has been banned from sale, and rightly so in my opinion.

Of course, any parent would question the wisdom of the McCanns in leaving their children alone whilst they dined nearby, and I'm sure that they have been wracked with the guilt of having done so, for had they remained with their children, whether in the accommodation or when dining out, then this dreadful saga would never have happened. However, that they did leave them, and the terrible consequence of that decision, is a fact. What is not needed is the situation that Amaral has created with his suppositions and fabrications.

There is another thought that occurs to me, however. Does Amaral know for certain that Maddie is dead because he was involved in her abduction and murder? Now, I'm not saying he was. I'm not even suggesting that he was. But if he is so absolutely certain of his facts --- certain enough to write his book stating them --- it could be a possibility couldn't it?

Here's a thought about Islam4UK and others so inclined . . .

Dear Home Secretary,

I'm so glad that you finally had the good sense to ban Islam4UK, but of course this does not preclude Anjelm Choudary and other like-minded extremists from reforming under a new banner with an even greater determination to overthrow the rule of Law and the government and replace it with Sharia Law and an Islamic system of rule.

A couple of things would however.

Firstly, why not enact legislation that anyone involved in any organisation which seeks to impose these things upon the Nation should lose all entitlement to any form of benefits. After all, why should we, the taxpayers of the country, pay characters like Choudary to foment dissension, promote religious hatred and subvert authority? If people such as these are don't like the system that exists in the UK, and has done so for hundreds of years, then they should remove themselves as rapidly as possible to a country that would appreciate their vitriolic posturing.

Secondly, I see no reason to afford any of these people special protection by our belaboured Police Force. If Choudary, as a result of his own actions and hate-filled rhetoric, is a prime target, then it is a situation of entirely his own making. If he needs special protection as a result of his actions then let him get a job, earn the money needed, and then pay for his own protection.

Nobody can or should object to Choudary, or others like him, following the religion of their choice, which is, after all, what Freedom of Religion is all about. I recognise that this hate-filled character has stated that he does not believe in freedom, but this is an instance where he practises freedom of expression whilst declaring his opposition to freedom. Is this the action of a sane man? I hardly think so.

Well, Home Secretary, it's over to you. I wonder whether you would recommend such action to the Prime Minister or condone it by doing nothing.

Haiti Earthquake: Please help

This photograph of the terrible disaster in Haiti came in an email to me from David Servant, Director of the Christian charity 'I Was Hungry', part of the Heaven's Family group of charities. The Voice Christian News & Views magazine has supported Heaven's Family for several years and its Director, David Servant, is counted amongst my friends. The following is the report that accompanied the picture, together with a plea for help in fund-raising in order to give as much aid as possible.
Massive amounts of aid are now beginning to pour into Haiti. The immediate needs are, of course, for the rescue of trapped survivors, water, food, and medical help for the injured. Right now everything is a mass of confusion in Port-au-Prince.

We have not received any word from either our primary contact in Haiti (with whom I spoke by phone just a few days before the earthquake), or from either of our two orphanage directors. Like tens of thousands of other Americans and Canadians who have loved ones in Haiti, we wait with hope. The cell phone of our primary contact sounds as if it is ringing when I call him, but there is no answer. I am facing up to the possibility that Preval Meritil, a dear friend of thirty years and a true Haitian saint, is in heaven.

Our area representative, James Jones of the Dominican Republic, found the Dominican/Haiti border tightly closed in both directions at two locations that he tried. Thankfully, because James is a former army medic, he has been assigned by the Dominican Civil Defense and Secretary of Health to a MASH team, and he will be on the ground in Port-au-Prince on Saturday. His job will be triage, primary rescue, stabilization of the injured, and transfers. James is taking $5,000 worth of bottled water, food, and medical supplies from Heaven's Family, thanks to all of you.

HF International Director Chuck King is flying to the Dominican Republic tomorrow to personally entrust James Jones with 100 Sawyer Water Filters. James will take them with him to Port-au-Prince where they are so greatly needed right now.

There were massive needs in Haiti before the earthquake, and there will be massive needs for months and years to come there. We intend to do all that the Lord enables us to do to meet immediate and long-term needs.

To contribute securely by credit card from anywhere in the world, click here, or call our office during regular business hours (8:30AM - 5PM EST) at (412) 833-5826.

To contribute by check in the U.S. or from any country other than the U.K., please write "Disaster Relief" in the memo line and mail it to Heaven's Family, P.O. Box 12854, Pittsburgh, PA, 15241, USA.

To contribute by cheque in the U.K., please write "Disaster Relief" in the memo line and mail it to Heaven's Family, P.O. Box 3736, Ascot, Berkshire, SL57WR.

Please send whatever you can in order to help maximise the Relief Aid that Heaven's Family can give.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Islam4UK: Finally, the Home Secretary bans this racist group of Islamic Bigots

So the group of Islamic Fundamentalist traitors who scream their bucolic hatred whenever the opportunity arises have been given a slap on the wrist, although it obviously was not hard enough for them to feel it judging by their show of contempt for the authorities and the Justice system of the nation that lets them thrive.

Outside the court where they had been given conditional discharges for their hate-filled diatribe against the Anglian Regiment when they marched through Luton, this group of dangerous thugs stood in front of a banner which proclaimed that 'Islam will dominate the world' and underpinned with the terrorist-styled epithet that 'Freedom can go to hell.'

Later, in a TV interview, their leader, Anjelm Choudary, reiterated that they do not believe in Democracy nor in Freedom. This has to prompt the question as to what on earth they are doing in this country which, despite its many shortcomings and failings, is still a nation which does believe firmly in both of these things. It is exactly why Choudary and his peddlers of hate were given conditional discharges for behaviour that would almost certainly have carried a death sentence in an Islamic nation under Sharia Law.

Of course, the most ironic aspect of all of this is that these racial bigots are funded by the taxpayers of the nation which they seek to overthrow, both in their normal living benefits and the court appearance costs. Their fines will also, via the benefit system, be paid by the UK Taxpayer.

Because I believe in freedom of expression then I think that I can safely promote the idea that these men, and all like them, be deported to an Islamic nation where their views may be welcomed.

One of the saddest aspects of their hatred is that it goes against the thousands of peace-loving Muslims who are in this country and who disagree with their hate-filled diatribe. It's important for people to understand that they are the rotten apples at the bottom of the barrel --- the few not the many.

What a contrast they represent to Christianity! Islamic Fundamentalism is a religion of hatred that seeks to remove personal freedom from everyone and dictate that everyone must follow Islam or else die. Christianity is a religion based upon LOVE.

The following comes from Barnabus Fund:

The People’s Majlis (Parliament) of the Maldives have been debating a bill to ban non-Muslim places of worship. According to Maldivian sources the bill, proposed by Ibrahim Muttalib MP, would make it illegal to build non-Muslim places of worship or to practise non-Muslim faiths in public, although foreigners would be allowed to worship in the privacy of their homes. Punishment would be a jail term of three to five years or a fine of between US$2,800 and US$4,700.

Muttalib’s rationale

When presenting the bill, Muttalib said that its purpose was to maintain Islamic principles in the country and to prevent the spread of non-Muslim faiths. He also said that the government had received enquiries about establishing places of worship and there was nothing yet in the law or constitution to prevent this. He mentioned too the phenomenon of “wedding tourism” and said that this would “indirectly set up churches in this country”.

Muttalib has explained that he proposed the bill because at present there is no legal barrier to the establishing of non-Muslim places of worship. He referred to Article 19 of the 2008 Maldivian constitution, which states that “No control or restraint may be exercised against any person unless it is expressly authorised by law.” His argument was that a law was therefore needed explicitly prohibiting non-Muslim places of worship.

Muttalib’s assumption that having non-Muslim places of worship would be unacceptable reflects the strongly Islamic nature of Maldivian society. His concern is how to safeguard against this happening.

What next?

The bill has now been sent to committee.

President Mohamed Nasheed has said that, before ratifying the bill, he will seek advice from Islamic religious scholars about what sharia (Islamic law) teaches on allowing non-Muslims to worship in an Islamic society.

According to sharia, Jews and Christians are allowed to keep their existing places of worship in an Islamic state but not to build new ones. “Pagans”, such as Hindus, are not even allowed to keep existing places of worship.

The higher percentage of Muslims in any Nation then the greater the demand to convert that Nation to Islam, and the more determined the fanatics like Choudary become.

It is high time that the UK government acted against this threat to the stability and peace of the nation as a whole. Get rid of the canker in our midst that seeks to destroy all that true members of the United Kingdom have fought for over the decades.

Be warned. If you do nothing then these evil men with their warped beliefs will ultimately succeed in taking over this nation. If you do nothing then you will be as much to blame as anyone else. Lobby your MP to take this matter up in Parliament as a matter of urgency, and keep on lobbying until something is done.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Voice Christian News & Views: A great FREE Christian magazine

The latest issue of The Voice Christian News & Views is now available, and you can get it posted to you absolutely FREE of charge simply by registering on-line to receive it by clicking here.

Filled with great articles, cartoons and photos, the current issue heralds the latest news about Flame Radio, back on air on the Medium Waveband. Regular columnists Andrew Strom, Lindsey Cox, David Clarke and Mike Ward are joined by Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, David Silver, D Ben Rees and David Servant.

Special features in this issue are on the work of Victory Outreach UK, Samaritan's Purse and Gospel for Asia.

All in all this is a great magazine with 40 pages packed with things to interest you, so why not register today to get it sent to your mailbox every two months; and don't forget --- it's absolutely FREE thanks to the donations sent in to keep it that way.

The New ABC

New Alphabet
A is for apple, and B is for boat,
That used to be right, but now it won't float!
Age before beauty is what we once said,
But let's be a bit more realistic instead.

The Alphabet:

A's for arthritis;
the bad back,
the chest pains,

Perhaps car-d-iac?

D is for dental decay and decline,
E is for eyesight, can't read that top line!
F is for fissures and fluid retention
G is for gas which I'd rather not mention.

H High blood pressure--I'd rather it low

I for incisions with scars you can show.
is for joints, out of socket, won't mend,
K is for knees that crack when they bend.
L for libido, what happened to sex?
M is for memory, I forget what comes next.
N is neuralgia, in nerves way down low
O is for osteo, bones that don't grow!

P for prescriptions, I have quite a few,
Just give me a pill, I'll be good as new!
Q is for queasy, is it fatal or flu?
R is for reflux, one meal turns to two.

S is for sleepless nights, counting my fears,
T is for Tinnitus, bells in my ears!
U is for urinary, troubles with flow;
V for vertigo, that's 'dizzy', you know.

W for worry, NOW what's going 'round?
X is for x-ray, and what might be found.
Y for another year I'm left here behind,
Z is for zest I still have-- in my mind.

I've survived all the symptoms, my body's deployed,
And I'm keeping twenty-six doctors fully employed!!!