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Monday, March 8, 2010

Comment on my 'Madeleine McCann' posts. . .

My posts on the subject of Madeleine McCann have turned up some interesting comments form folk, most of which have been positive. It's good to create an atmosphere in which subjects such as this can become the centre of the forum.

There are some points which I would like to make that I think are important:
  • Regarding the circumstances which led to little Madeleine's disappearance in the beginning, there can be no questioning of the fact that she, like any small child, should never have been left alone. This is particularly the case when in a foreign country.
  • From the outset there appears to have been a number of 'false leads' which were allowed to muddy the waters somewhat. For this I blame all those involved in publicising such 'leads' without anything except hysteria as a base for them.
  • From all of the reporting that I have come across, (and I, like the majority of people interested in this case, have only the plethora of media reports to trawl through), the conclusion that I draw is that the investigations were handled in a desultory manner.
  • I am concerned that it would appear that people on both sides are profiting from the whole matter. That is not in the interests of Truth, Justice, or Madeleine.
  • I disagree with Goncalo Amaral making money from the case, but then I also disagree with anyone from the McCann camp profiting in any way just as strongly.
  • Sadly, despite approaching three years has gone by since Madeleine's disappearance, nobody is any closer to discovering the truth of the matter. The more time goes by then the farther away it would seem that such a discovery is.
I have to hold my hands up and say that, as my information is gleaned from the public domain, I can be wrong in some of my opinions.

1 comment:

Paulo Reis said...

Dear Reverend Colin,

My congratulations. The content of this post is quite different from previous ones.

Paulo Reis