As soon as I saw snowdrops peeping through the Winter snow I knew that Spring would not be far away.

One of the great beauties of Springtime is the picture painted in a bluebell wood. It takes your breath away!

What better than a brisk walk in the countryside, especially if you are fortunate enough to have hills and --- even better --- mountains, to tread the pathway to God, experiencing the wonders of the natural world that He has created for you to enjoy.

Opposite my house there are several flowering cherry trees which have already started to burst into bud. Soon they will look just like this one which I photographed last year in a local park. These are the sort of sights that stir the poet's soul when Spring bursts onto the scene!

I took this picture at Lake Vyrnwy a couple of years ago, and love the simplicity of the composition. Some years ago, I was privileged to work as a candle-maker in the Craft Units situated close to this beautiful place. This is a man-made lake, though so beautiful that it creates a sense of awe and wonder.
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