Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Support for Chris Grayling MP . . .

Expressly under so-called 'New Labour' (which is really just Old Labour with a new name), Witch-hunts have become increasingly common. Having introduced over 3500 new Laws that doesn't come as any surprise, for many of the new laws have been designed to support lifestyle choices that millions of people find unacceptable or at least uncomfortable. Credence is granted to anyone who speaks out in support of these new laws, whilst at the same time anyone who dares to speak out against them is publicly ridiculed and castigated, or as we have seen all too often, metaphorically subjected to a public display of being hanged, drawn and quartered.

Chris Grayling MP is one such current victim for daring to voice out the opinion of millions of like-minded people in this country when he says that when running a Guest House in your own home should give you the right to decide to exclude anyone who offends your own beliefs. In this instance it involves a couple running a Guest House in Berkshire who refused to accommodate a same-sex couple in their house on the grounds that it offended against their Christian faith. (I wrote about the situation on March 26th under the heading: So, what about the right to practise what you believe?)

It's interesting that a vociferous pack of baying voices quickly screams whenever anyone attempts to exercise their rights to restrict guests to their homes who they deem unacceptable for justifiable reasons, yet the voices are strangely silent when the boot is on the other foot. Surf through the internet and you will find copious examples of accommodation which advertises that it is for 'women only' or that it is for 'gay couples' (not meaning, presumably, couples who are happy, but couples whom are same-sex).

If owners of Guest Houses wish to offer accommodation that is exclusively for women or for same-sex couples, then I believe that they should be allowed to with neither fear nor favour. It's away in which they can express and confirm their belief in the right to practise their lifestyle. Equally, couples of a specific Faith group must be allowed the same rights, and if that means denying accommodation to same-sex couples then so be it. That is their right. Of course, equally, to deny single accommodation to an individual on the basis of their individual sexual orientation would be wrong, but this is a totally different issue. According to the Christian Faith, (and other Faith groups), the sin is in the practise of something described in Scripture as being offensive to God.

To publicly flog (albeit metaphorically) an individual such as Chris Grayling for expressing a view that, whilst being his own view, is also that of millions of other folk, is abominable and unacceptable, despite the feelings of New Labourites who embrace anything which serves to divide the nation and grant them a greater hold on power under the 'Divide and Rule' practise.

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