Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Will they announce the Election today?

I wonder whether the government will, as expected, make the announcement today about the date for the General Election. Already the political parties concerned have been beating the drums to advertise their wares, although none of them seem to be worth a lot. Politically speaking, it's a bit like a political car-boot sale, full of tat but with the occasional bargain.

How good it would be to have a party that stood on the truth, promoting morality and ethics in a nation that often seems to be greatly lacking in both. The truth is most important, and yet it's the truth that is often the thing farthest from the politicians' lips. The labour Party are led currently by Gordon Brown, a man who has publicly lied and discredited himself. Add to that the invitation to Tony Blair to join the election carnival and those two Machiavellian plotters, Mandelson and Campbell, and you have a veritable brood of vipers, proven liars all. If the nation votes them in yet again then they will deserve all that they get! There are some in the party who are decent human beings, but they are usually crushed very quickly and prevented from letting their decency tainting the rest.

Whilst I can say that I would definitely NOT vote for this bunch of liars I cannot say who, at the finishing post, I would vote for, because I have yet to be really convinced that there is anyone who is worth my vote.

It will be interesting to watch the antics over the coming weeks and to note the promises that are made, guessing which, if any, might have any chance of coming to fruition. The big problem is, of course, that generally speaking the profession where the members refer to each other as 'Honourable' is, by and large, dishonourable; made so by the liars and cheats that have people the hallowed halls of Westminster for many years now, particularly over the past thirteen years of the Labour government.

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