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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Flame of the Spirit 54 54
TUNE: Have Thine Own Way, Lord

Fill me today, Lord,
Till I o’erflow;
Lead me to places
I do not know.

Give me a voice, Lord,
Honest and true;
Bless me with words, Lord,
That speak of You.

Flame of the Spirit
Burning within;
Helping to serve You,
Cleansed of my sin.

Grant me the faith, Lord,
To speak Your name,
To help those who seek
God’s living flame.

Flame of the Spirit
Speaks of God’s love;
To serve forever
In heav'n above.

So, here I am, Lord,
Heeding Your call;
To serve forever,
And give my all.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2008

I hope that you enjoy singing this hymn of commitment. As usual, if you use it please report its use to CCLI in the usual manner. Have you visited Sheer Joy Music yet to look through the hymns posted there? The website is currently being redesigned, and when complete it will eventually have all of my hymns on it for downloading. A new song book with them in is also in the process of preparation, although this is a long project which will not be completed until some time in 2011 .

Monday, August 30, 2010

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net.”
Psalm 25:15 (
King James Version)

Helen Howarth Lemmel was a daughter of a Methodist minister and a vocal music teacher at the Moody Bible Institute. She wrote one of my favorite hymns “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”. The words in this song encourage my heart.

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.” If ever we needed to keep our eyes on Jesus, it is now.

We are living in a world that is filled with violence and chaos. There is no way we can make it through this world without Jesus. When satan hurls his vicious arrows of discouragement at us, we need to turn our eyes upon Jesus.

One of the reasons we have so much turmoil in our lives is because we try to defeat satan by ourselves. It has never worked and it will never work. Only Jesus can defeat satan. When satan attacks us, we should immediately turn to Jesus.

What about you? Are you trying to defeat satan in your own strength? If you are, stop it and turn to Jesus and trust Him. Our Scripture verse tells us that He shall pluck our feet out of the net. It is always safe to trust Jesus. He will never fail us.

Heavenly Father, we praise You and give You thanks for Jesus, our Saviour. Thank You that You love us so much that You gave Your own beloved Son to die for us and pay the price for our sins. We love You, Heavenly Father. Amen.

Joanne Lowe

Chart Success!

The title song from Susan Marrs album, When I'm With You, has steadily climbed the NCM Charts over the past few weeks, and it now stands at number FOUR in the NCM UK Charts and number SEVEN in the NCM Euro Charts.

The video, posted on, has currently received 2380 hits, and is still going upward.

The songs on the album can be downloaded separately from iTunes, CD Baby, Amazon, and all leading music download sites.

Hymn for today . . .

He is the King 76 76 D
Tune: Morning Light
He is the King of Ages,
And at His feet all bow;
He is the King of Glory,
Give Him your worship now.
Jesus, our mighty Saviour,
God’s love and peace He brings;
He is the King of Glory,
He is the King of Kings!

He is the King of Heaven,
And at His feet we lay;
He is the great Messiah,
Sing praises night and day.
Jesus, our mighty Saviour . . .

He is our King and Saviour,
He is our mighty Lord;
He has reached down to save us,
Redeeméd by His blood.
Jesus, our mighty Saviour . . .

He’s King above all others,
God’s love and peace He brings,
Praise Him now and forever,
He is the King of Kings!
Jesus, our mighty Saviour . . .
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Emyn Cymraeg : 'Iesu Ngwaredwr'

Iesu Ngwaredwr,
Geidwad trugarog,
Maddau ein beiau,
Gwir Fab y Tad.
‘Rôl edifeirwch
Duw rydd faddeuant,
Cawn iachawdwriaeth
Drwy’r Iesu mad.
Iesu ddaeth atom
O nef y Duwdod,
Ganddo mae’r ateb
I gyflwr dyn.
Angau yw cyflog
Pechod , ond talodd
Ein holl ddyledion
Â’i waed ei hun.
Deuwn, addolwn,
Gweision y deyrnas,
Tystion ei gariad
I ddynolryw;
Nawr a’n dragwyddol,
Nes gweld ei wyneb,
Caria’r colledig
Deillion a briw.
Nawr gorfoleddwn
Caed iachawdwriaeth
Drwy Iesu’r prynwr
Ddaeth oddi fry.
Ef yw ein Ceidwd,
Mab y goruchaf,
Bendith ei gariad
Roddwyd i ni.
Dyrchafwn foliant
I nef y nefoedd;
Fe ddaw’r diwrnod
Cawn weld ei wedd.
Canau’r angylion
Glod ei ogoniant
Ef yw’r Meseia,
Awdur ein hedd.

© 2009 Colin Gordon-Farleigh
Cyf. Eirlys Gruffydd

Another Poem for Today: YOU


I wake, and see your smile, as early dawn
removes the shadowed sleep from out my eyes:
I turn, and in my longing, glance towards
the echoed memories of love, realising
that moments, such as these we share,
will stay forever, printed on my mind.
The sunlight shafts across the morning dew,
To softly echo words, that I love you.

I dream, and in the reaches of my dreams I see
the hopes of life, that lie ensnared
within the ever-rolling surf upon the shore.
I hear the soft caressing whisper of your voice
as word fall constantly, carelessly, around my head,
to lie in wild confusion in my heart.
The sunlight shafts across the morning dew,
To softly echo words, that I love you.

I sleep, and far within the gold of sleeping hours,
memories of every day are magnified; long
days of sunshine, stretched on silvered sands,
where dreams are made, whilst day lasts.
Then I awake, see your smile, and early dawn
removes the shadowed sleep from out my eyes.
The sunlight shafts across the morning dew,
To softly echo words, that I love you.

© 1978 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Poem for Today

Love Flowed Freely
When love flowed freely from the Cross,
Man’s richest gain was Heaven’s loss.

When love flowed freely on that day
It washed the darkest sin away.

The Saviour paid the price for sin,
Repentant hearts can enter in.

Love flowing freely from His side,
The bridegroom waits His spotless bride.

When freed from sin, from toil, from pain,
Our joyful praise is Heaven’s gain.

In service now, our arms we raise,
To Him in everlasting praise.

© 2010 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Hymn for today . . .

Lord of Lords 7676
Tune: Aurelia
Jesus, our one true Saviour,
You are the Lord of Lords;
For You’ve reached down and blessed us,
Through love and holy word.

Though Adam’s sin condemned us
To life apart from God;
We’re blessed by God’s redemption,
When in Your paths we’ve trod.

No grave could ever hold You,
When on the cross You died;
When man was at his vilest
And You were crucified.

One day with You in heaven
We’ll sing in endless praise;
Bright Light of God’s great glory,
We’ll praise You all our days.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

Psalm 121, verse 1

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Bless This Day 7676
Tune: Aurelia

I’ll walk with You, Lord Jesus,
I’ll follow in Your way;
Help me to praise and serve You,
My Saviour, bless this day.
In all I do be with me,
At work and in my play,
Help me to keep on serving;
My Saviour, bless this day.

Help me to reap the harvest,
Lord Jesus, as I pray,
Help me reach out to others;
My Saviour, bless this day.
My voice I’ll lift for ever,
In hymn, in song, and lay;
Help me to praise and worship,
My Saviour, bless this day.

© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;”
Psalm 103:1,4
(King James Version)

In this world of violence and turmoil, there are so many people who are hurting emotionally and are heartbroken. I think if we are honest with ourselves, there has been a time in all of our lives when we were hurting and heartbroken.

If ever people needed to know that Jesus loves them, it is now. It is only when they see the love of Jesus in our smiles and hear Him in our words and see Him in our actions that they will believe that He loves them.

We need to have tender loving hearts so that we can love people the way Jesus has commanded us to love them. The prayer of every Christian should be “Heavenly Father, please give me a tender loving heart”.

Joyce Landorf Heatherley, a Christian speaker and author, said on one of her teaching tapes when she was talking about the people we sit next to in church. “They look fine and they look darling, but inside they are hurting”.

Heavenly Father, please fill our hearts with more compassion for others. Please touch and encourage those who are hurting. May they feel Your love for them like they never have before. I pray that we will be encouragers to everyone we see. Amen.

Joanne Lowe

Friday, August 27, 2010


Read: 2 Timothy 1: 7-14 and 2 Timothy 2: 1-7
'You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.'
(2 Timothy 2: 1-3)
When Paul wrote his letter to Timothy he was imprisoned by Rome as the result of persecution under Nero, and he realised that his death was near. Alone and cold in his dungeon, Paul writes to Timothy this intensely personal letter, soon after which, according to tradition, he was beheaded on the Ostian Way, west of Rome. The letter contains Paul’s last recorded words.
These times were extremely difficult times in which to be a Christian, and to dare to be a leader in a local church was a sure way to become a martyr. Hence Paul writes to Timothy, his son-in-the-faith, encouraging him to be a courageous Christian in the most trying times that the church had faced.

In the times in which we live today we may not generally suffer the same fate as happened then, being crucified, thrown to wild animals or burned as human torches, but the need is as great today as it was then for us to be courageous Christians. We live in difficult times where the advance of Islam is encroaching continually on our way of life, with radical Islamic extremists bent on the creation of a world Islamic order, kill, maim and create terror and mayhem throughout much of the world. We see the results of their actions in the Middle East, in Asia and in Europe. Governments such as ours seem to be doing all they can to appease this enemy ̶ for enemy it is, with the cry to kill any who dare to disagree with them or who refuse to adopt their stance. Even moderate Muslims are not safe from these extremists. There can be no doubt at all that if the placard waving Islamic thugs, who demanded the beheading of people amid various other torturous threats, had been Christians then the police would have swooped rapidly, cracking heads with batons as they arrested demonstrators and hauled them off to goal. Later there would have been court appearances, fines, community orders and probably imprisonment for some. Let there be no mistake, we live in times when Christianity is under threat in a very real way, and there is a great need for Christians to be courageous.

We are told to be tolerant, yet our tolerance is directed towards the intolerant. Left to our own devices we flounder along, constantly upset by the atrocities being committed, yet when faced by the apparent weakness of the authorities to deal with matters, left with a sense of helplessness. Hence we seem to have no choice but to stand by and watch along with the rest of the world as these radicals continually breach the peace across the world.

We need to remember that our God is all-powerful. He is stronger than anyone or anything else. And we can talk to Him, sure that He hears us. We can share our fears and concerns with Him. We can listen and be guided by Him. Because of our faith in Jesus Christ we can find the ability to be a courageous Christian, part of Christ’s army in this maligned world. We can learn from Paul, and be inspired and strengthened along with Timothy. Paul’s purpose for Timothy was to inspire and strengthen him for his task at Ephesus. In order to do this, Paul reminded Timothy of the heritage that was his to enjoy. Today we need to be reminded of our heritage in the same manner.

We can be strengthened by a knowledge that others believe in us. Paul reminds Timothy of his own belief and confidence in him, encouraging him by that knowledge. When we realise that someone really believes in us we will do anything to avoid letting them down. Paul reminds Timothy of his family tradition. If Timothy failed in his task, not only would he mar his own name, but he would lessen the honour of his family too. As Christians we belong to the family of Christ. Whenever a Christian does something that lets themselves down they let the whole family down as well. We are called to be witnesses for Christ, and that’s something that requires the very best that’s in us. We need to be courageous in our witnessing. All of these factors are part of the heritage that is ours to enjoy.

A courageous Christian has a hope to share. Paul reiterates the fact that he is not ashamed of being a disciple of Christ in verse 12, when he states that If we endure, we shall also reign with Him; if we deny Him, He also will deny us; (2:12). The hope and faith we have in Jesus Christ are never a cause of shame but always a truth to share. The reason for this hope was Paul’s personal knowledge of Christ. Merely to know Christ was all that Paul needed in order to trust Him.
A courageous Christian has help to offer others in sharing the gospel message with them. It’s not only our privilege to receive the gospel; it’s also our duty to share it with others. In this manner every Christian wears the cloak of a missionary and a link between the generations. Receiving the faith is the privilege of Christians, sharing it with others is the responsibility.

A church grows by multiplication not by addition. Any church that stays behind closed doors waiting for new people to come to them is a declining church. You lead a person to the Lord and then stay with them, helping them through the nurturing process as they gradually grow in faith, and ultimately they will lead others to the Lord in turn.

The Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is an important tool in the teaching of truth and helping us to recognise what is right or wrong in God’s sight. When we share the truths found in Scripture we find that they help both us and others to realise what’s wrong in our lives. Proclaiming the truth of Scripture will equip us in our work of mission as we try to win souls for Christ. Often the truths of Scripture are unpalatable to worldly people, but that’s because they recognise the need to change their lifestyle if they are to please God.

In order to be effective Paul urges that we should not chatter incessantly with theological arguments that prove themselves little more than inane interpretation. It’s important to handle the Word of God correctly, both in analysis and interpretation. In his letter Paul warns Timothy against the temptations which he refers to as youthful lusts (2:22). Temptation is to be avoided by fleeing from anything that would hinder whilst pursuing what helps, and by seeking the company of spiritual people.

He warns Timothy against following social trends in the opening verses of chapter three, advising that as time passes on, social trends will not improve, only worsen. His advice is for Timothy to maintain his faith throughout his spiritual pilgrimage. In 4:10, Paul refers to one of his disciples, Demas, who deserted both Paul and his faith.

Though it is often difficult to maintain your faith the gain for doing so is heaven. The words written to Timothy are powerful words of advice, yet Paul wrote these words in the midst of persecution. This time was the darkest hour in his life; he was about to be executed for a crime that he was not guilty of. Friends were forsaking him. Yet there can be no doubt that the church would eventually be triumphant, despite the prevailing circumstances, which seemed to herald defeat. Paul knew that the second he entered death so he would also go directly to Christ, whom he loved and served with such devotion.

No matter that this letter was written to Timothy almost two thousand years ago, it has a message for us today that is as relevant to our Christian lives today as it was to Timothy when it was written. The challenge is to us to be courageous Christians in today’s world. Hear the opening words once more as if written to you, … be strong in the grace that is Christ Jesus. . . .Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus (2:1,3).

In other words, be a courageous Christian!

Hymn for today . . .

My Prayer 7777
Tune: Jesus loves me

Father, hear me as I pray,
Jesus take my sins away;
Help me pass the darkest night,
Praise His glory in the Light.
Keep me, my Saviour,
Yes, keep me my Lord;
Keep me forever,
As promised in Your Word!

Though in sin I bow in shame,
Help me call upon His name;
Teach me how I should forgive,
As each day in Christ I live.
Keep me, my Saviour . . .

Seeking always as I walk
Christ the Truth, the Life, the Way;
Serving Jesus in this world,
Praise Him always every day.
Keep me, my Saviour . . .

Helping others in His name,
Find salvation through the Son;
Till we stand in heaven’s light
Praising Him for battles won!
Keep me, my Saviour . . .
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2007

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Emynau Cymraeg : Mewn Addoliad

Tôn: Hyfrydol

Dad Trugarog, fe’th ddilynaf
Ti fydd gwrthrych mawr fy mryd
Dad Tragwyddol, rwyf yn dewis
Gwneud d’ewyllys di o hyd.
Dad, fe’th wasanaethaf beunydd,
Canaf glodydd mawl fy Nuw;
Canaf gyda’r nefol luoedd
Am ‘doleuni, tra bwyf byw.

Arglwydd da, mewn gwir addoliad,
Canaf glod i’th enw mawr.
I’th ogoniant seiniaf foliant,
Tra bwy’n rhodio’r ddaear lawr.
Olau bythol, dangos lwybrau
Ein gobeithion am a ddaw,
Tywys di ni i drigfannau
‘Daddewidion , maes o law.

Moliant! Moliant roddaf iti
Oen ein Duw a’n Ceidwad cu;
Moli wnaf yr Iesu goncrodd
Ofnau’r bedd ac angau du.
Moliant! Moliant! Haleliwia!
Down a chanwn tra bom byw;
Teilwng yw ein Brenin nefol
O dragwyddol foliant gwiw.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh
Cyf. Eirlys Gruffydd

Niagara Falls frozen over!

Although the picture above claims to be of a big freeze in 1911 it's far more likely to be from March 1848 when the Falls actually went dry for a few days when an ice dam formed on Lake Erie.

Most probably both the picture above and the one below are from 1886 when, so it is claimed, more than a million people visited the Niagara Falls to see this extremely rare sight. Both of these photographs were originally issued as postcards.

Now, doesn't that make the Summer feel a little warmer!


If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves,
and the truth is not in us (1 John 1:8)
When we consider our attempts to enter into fellowship with God, the great problem that stands in our way is the age-old problem of sin. How are the ‘sons-of-men’ to become the ‘sons-of-God’? Mankind is considered to be higher than other creatures, and this is where the root of the problem exists. It’s different from the relationship between lower life and God because the matter of human will is involved. The higher the ambition that God held for human beings, the greater the problem introduced by free will, given in order to form character in people. God has given, by the means of free will, the opportunity to make a choice between good and evil, and whilst this affords mankind great opportunity it also provides the opportunity to fall from grace through sin.

The Bible attributes people’s sins to their wilful abuse of free will. Paul, in writing to the Roman Christians, outlined the truth concerning humanity’s plight as sinners. Speaking to the church at Rome, Paul refers to those Jews who abused the privileges granted by God to their race because they could and should have become a guiding light to those in darkness.

We find no differentiation between large or small sins, for to God all sin is SIN. Sin involves the total person, both the mental and the physical aspects of our being. It’s at the very heart of self-centredness. The New Testament appraisal of sin is that sin in the flesh describes a condition of separation from God arising from wrong choices of lifestyle. Sin in your bodies means sin in your personal being; and the expression of sin in your soul is also referring to oneself, or person. That the soul, or person, sinning shall die is a warning to the total person. Paul points out that what the Law was unable to achieve with regards to preventing the body to sin, God Himself did by sending Jesus as our example. In 8:3 Paul writes, For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh. The word likeness is crucial because it indicates that Jesus was a true man but not a sinful man. In the Book of Acts, Luke writes that every soul that does not heed the prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people (Acts: 3:23).

Sin is serious, for it involves the total being. People are unable in themselves to solve their problems. Their whole beings are adversely affected. Sin invades their thinking, their will, their sense of values, their natural responses, and their relationships.

People are in danger of becoming slaves to sin if they fail to curtail their expressions of self-will. They move from a position of trusting God to self-trust; from obeying God to self-assertion; from serving God to slavery to sin. We are reminded that our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin (Romans 6:6). In other words, once we accept Christ fully into our lives then we also accept all that He has done for us. Our old self is made ineffective and impotent ̶ or dead ̶ and we have new life in Christ. We are to all effect, born again.
Living is described as serving either good or evil. People’s acts have repercussions beyond the sensations they momentarily feel. Their acts are testimonies for God or for Satan. The constant plea of the New Testament is for people to serve God and thereby find the liberation for which they were created. When sin is served, humankind’s true desire is denied, their created role is forfeited, and they fall under the bonding of sin and death. Paul writes that the Scripture has shut up all men under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe (Galatians 3:22). When we serve God in the name of Christ we are liberated from the shackles of sin.

Humanity’s surrender of sonship to God brings into light their personal responsibility for guilt. Scripture holds people accountable for their own sin. It’s not the responsibility of past generations. People are responsible for the actions of the group of which they are a part. They are guilty for the environment they help create. We speak of my country, my town, and my home. We live in a climate where we seek to find someone to blame, as long as the finger is not pointed towards us. Situations that we experience or read about or hear about may well draw exclamations of disapproval from us, but how often do we actively choose to do something about it. We are the authors of our own misfortune if we choose to do nothing in the belief that the situation either doesn’t involve us or could not possibly be changed by our single protest. This week I’ve been concerned by reports that our government intends to deport failed Zimbabwean asylum seekers to Zimbabwe, and this despite the atrocities being carried out there, and the recognised fact ̶ by everyone it seems except the government ̶ that if these people are returned they will face imprisonment, torture and probable death. Yet the government is voted into power by the people and needs to consider the wishes of the people. How can they do that if we don’t make our wishes known? And if we fail in that respect, how can we express concern for something that doesn’t interest us enough to act on our concern?

No person lives to self. What each of us does has an affect on others, even if we are unaware of that effect. We have freedom of choice, for that’s what freewill is, the freedom to choose as we see fit. If we make the wrong choices and go down the path of sin then we have nobody but ourselves to blame, and we must therefore face our sin alone and be answerable for it ourselves.
Humanity’s great problem is sin. Whatever other problems in life people may face the greatest problem of all is sin. The Bible teaches that God holds people accountable for their sin. People stand alone in solitude for their sin, facing the responsibility of it alone. Yet God is merciful and just, and He has met this condition with the opportunity for us to make a choice. Once people are ready to admit that their sin is theirs and theirs alone, then they are ready to meet with Jesus in repentance, seeking forgiveness, and He will bear their sins for them, for Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

Don't Judge Others!


Simply going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.

Neither are you born a Christian just because your parents are Christians. If that was the case then if your father is a bricklayer then it must mean that you are born a bricklayer.

One last thing ...
Every saint has a PAST...
Every sinner has a FUTURE!

Hymn for today . . .

Tune: All to Jesus

Alleluia! Praise and glory,
Give to Jesus Christ the Lord.
He, the everlasting story,
Saviour in a dying world.

He has come to show God’s mercy,
To an unbelieving world;
He has come to grant forgiveness,
He is Jesus Christ, the Lord.

He will guide you on life’s pathway,
Keep you on the narrow way;
He is ever walking with you,
Leading you both night and day.

Alleluia! Sing His praises!
Worship Him, the Saviour King.
Give Him glory, for He’s worthy,
To His feet your tributes bring!
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Baptism L.M.
Tune: Melcombe
As to the Jordan went our Lord,
So now we bring this child to you.
Baptise with water and with Word,
As you have bid us all to do.

This little child we now baptise,
As heir of our Redeemer’s grace;
A living symbol of our faith,
With water now a cross we trace.

On his behalf our promise make,
To lead him in the Christian way;
To watch and teach, and help him learn
To follow Jesus every day.

So now dear Lord, we hand him o’er,
Into Your pure and loving care;
To mould him in Your perfect way,
Him for Your Kingdom to prepare.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

Today's hymn choice is designed for baptismal or Christening services. As usual, the only request concerning its use is that such use is reported to CCLI in the usual manner.

Have you visited Sheer Joy Music yet to look through the hymns posted there? The website is currently being redesigned, and when complete it will eventually have all of my hymns on it for downloading. A new song book with them in is also in the process of preparation, although this is a long project which will not be completed until some time in 2011 .

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.”
Luke 23:34 (King James Version)

Three years ago, a friend who was visiting me was very upset and angry at her husband. She told me they had a terrible argument. She said “I will never forgive him”. After my friend left, I prayed and said “Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me enough to forgive me for my sins”.

We read in the Bible “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). How dare you and I go to a Holy God and ask Him to forgive us when we aren’t willing to forgive those who hurt us.

Even while Jesus was in excruciating pain and agony, He forgave us while hanging on that cross of horror. If ever someone had a right to harbor a grudge and not forgive, it is Jesus. However, He asked His Father to forgive them because He loves us unconditionally.

When someone hurts us, we are to forgive them immediately. Isn’t that what Jesus does for us? He forgives us and never brings it up again. Sometimes, you and I are like a dog with a bone when it comes to forgiveness, we dig the offenses up again and again. May God have mercy on us.

Heavenly Father, we confess that we have sinned by harboring unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness and hatred in our hearts. We’re sorry. We ask that You would please forgive us. Thank You. May we be children who bring You joy and happiness instead of children who bring You sadness and sorrow. Amen.

Joanne Lowe

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The 10 Commandments : A Pocket Book for Children

Voice Ministries have published a new pocket-sized booklet of the Ten Commandments, prepared and illustrated by retired schoolteacher Kate Herbert.

The 30-page booklet starts by explaining how God called Moses to the top of Mount Sinai and gave him the Ten Commandments written on two slabs of stone. In easy-to-read, child-friendly language the Commandments are then laid out on the following pages, each one faced by an illustration which children can colour in if they wish.

The vision is to make the booklet available free of charge to churches, schools and individuals, and it is anticipated that ultimately thousands of these booklets will find their way into the hands of our children, and subsequently that the content will find its way into their heads and hearts. The publication and distribution costs will be met by donations from various concerned individuals and organisations.

If you would like a copy or copies of the booklet then please contact Voice Publications, 33 Balfour Street, Runcorn, WA7 4PH, stating the quantity that you would like us to send.
Cheques for donations should be made payable to Voice Ministries and sent with your order.

The booklet is currently being translated into Welsh and will also soon be made available online as a download. It is hoped that other translations will be made available in the future.

An extra 'Hymn for today . . .'

Light of Life CM
Tune: Richmond

Lord Jesus now, O light of life,
Fill me with joy anew;
For I would feign remember Thee,
And praise and thank Thee too.

Gathered around Thy table here,
To take the bread and wine;
Recalling that great sacrifice,
That brought the gift divine.

We eat the bread and drink the wine,
Repentant in our heart,
We rest within your perfect peace,
A new beginning start.

And when at last we turn aside,
Redeemed, restored, refreshed,
May we remember, evermore,
This sacred moment blessed.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

Here's an extra hymn for today which is sung to the well-known tune, Richmond. I hope you will be blessed by downloading the words and music and singing it during your Communion service. If you do, please report its use to CCLI in the usual way.

You can find more of my hymns and worship songs on the Sheer Joy Music website at

An extra 'Hymn for today . . .'

Light of Life CM
Tune: Richmond

Lord Jesus now, O light of life,
Fill me with joy anew;
For I would feign remember Thee,
And praise and thank Thee too.

Gathered around Thy table here,
To take the bread and wine;
Recalling that great sacrifice,
That brought the gift divine.

We eat the bread and drink the wine,
Repentant in our heart,
We rest within your perfect peace,
A new beginning start.

And when at last we turn aside,
Redeemed, restored, refreshed,
May we remember, evermore,
This sacred moment blessed.

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

Here's an extra hymn for today which is sung to the well-known tune, Richmond. I hope you will be blessed by downloading the words and music and singing it during your Communion service. If you do, please report its use to CCLI in the usual way.

Hymn for today . . .

Sing to Jesus!
Tune: Calon Lân
Alleluia, sing to Jesus!
To the manger praises bring;
Alleluia, lift your voices,
Praises to the infant king!
Alleluia, sing your praises,
Sing them loud to Christ the King!
Alleluia, sing your praises,
To His feet your tributes bring!

Alleluia, sing to Jesus!
Songs of praises to the boy;
Alleluia, lift your voices,
Songs of love and songs of joy!
Alleluia, sing your praises . . .

Alleluia, sing to Jesus!
Join the others at His birth;
Alleluia, lift your voices,
Son of God come down to earth!
Alleluia, sing your praises . . .

Alleluia, sing to Jesus!
Ox and ass have gathered round;
Alleluia, lift your voices,
Standing now on hallowed ground!
Alleluia, sing your praises . . .

Alleluia, sing to Jesus!
Joining with the heavenly host;
Alleluia, lift your voices,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
Alleluia, sing your praises . . .
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

All Praise be to Thee
Tune: Hanover
All praise be to Thee, my Saviour and King:
Such richness and love to my life You bring.
My hands lift in worship, to You now I raise;
My life Lord, forever, an off ‘ring of praise.

For ever to serve with heart and with soul;
To give You my life, For making me whole.
I’ll praise You forever, Your glory proclaim,
Uplift with the whole world Your glorious name!

All praise to Thee, Lord, for ever to be
The Light of the World, all glory to Thee.
All honour and worship are Yours Lord, alone,
We sing out our praise to the great Three-in-One!

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, 2006

I hope you enjoy singing today's 'Hymn of the Day'. As usual, all I ask is that you report the use of this hymn to CCLI.

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
Jeremiah 31:34 (
King James Version)

One of the ways that satan tries to discourage and defeat us is by telling us that our sins can’t be forgiven. I submit to you on the authority of the Word of God that is a lie straight from the pits of hell. Jesus said that He will forgive our iniquity. Not only does He forgive our sins, He never remembers them again.

Does that mean that Jesus has a poor memory? Of course not, He knows everything and if He chose to do so, He would remember all of our sins and all the times that we hurt Him. However, Jesus is a loving compassionate Saviour and that is why He chooses to forget our sins.

So many times, we tell people that we forgive them but the next time they do something to hurt us we say “You did the same thing last week”. We have not forgiven them. We just gave them lip service. If we want others to forgive us for hurting them, we had better forgive them. None of us are perfect.

The greatest Christian you know is just a sinner saved by grace. There was only one perfect person who ever lived or ever will live and His name is Jesus. We must forgive from our hearts.

If you are listening to the lies of satan, stop it! Listen to the truth that Jesus tells us when He says “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more”. Who do you believe, satan or Jesus?

Joanne Lowe

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Wondrous Heavenly Love

Whenever days are darkened
I think on Jesus’ Name:
To let the light come flooding in,
For soul’s release He came.
That blessed Name I love to hear,
The Name that casts away my fear,
That overflows me from above:
O! Wondrous, heavenly love!

If times I feel that I’m alone,
I think on Jesus’ Name:
To feel His gentle touch once more,
Upon this ailing frame.
That shepherd’s touch, for me He cares,
The Father’s love with me He shares,
Then overflowing from above,
O! Wondrous, heavenly love!

When the days have brightened,
I think on Jesus’ Name:
To know He’s always with me,
Constantly the same.
Securely by my Saviour’s side,
Evermore to keep and guide,
Then overflowing from above,
Such wondrous, heavenly love!

Copyright 1998 : Colin Gordon Farleigh

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The amazing voice & talent of 10yrs-old Jackie Evancho

Judge for yourself just how amazing 10 year old Jackie Evancho's talent is. How can such a mature voice come from such a young child. Praise God for the wonderful talent that He has gifted Jackie with.

When asked to name the singers who have influenced her she named singers like Sarah Brightman and Josh Grogan, and also Grace Bawden.

Grace Bawden sings 'Streets of Philadelphia'

Take a look and listen to Grace Bawden's latest YouTube video. What a fabulous talent this gifted young singer has. I predict that she'll go a long way in the music business and become a global mega-star. Have a listen to her cover of this Bruce Springstein song and you'll understand what I mean.

Hymn for today . . .

Oh, the Wonder! 8787D
Tune: Blaenwern
Saviour, now I hear you calling
Me to serve You here below;
Blessed Jesus, I will follow,
Where You lead me I will go.
Oh, the wonder! Oh, the rapture!
Precious Saviour, I am free!
Oh, the wonder! Oh, the rapture!
Purest joy of serving Thee.

In my waking and my sleeping,
At the morn or eventide,
Holy Spirit in this temple,
As my Comforter and Guide.
Oh, the wonder! Oh, the rapture! ...

Knowing You are always near me,
Walking always by my side,
Ever safely watching o’er me,
Blessed Saviour, friend and guide.
Oh, the wonder! Oh, the rapture! ...

I acknowledge You as Saviour,
Who hung there upon the tree,
Worship You, my blest Redeemer,
Son of God who died for me.
Oh, the wonder! Oh, the rapture! ...
Copyright 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

You can find lots more of my hymns by going to the Sheer Joy Music website at where you can download words and music. All I ask is that you consider making a donation to my ministry via Paypal and that you report their usage via CCLI in the normal manner. Apart from that, I hope that you will enjoy singing them and that everyone involved will receive a great blessing through both the singing and hearing of them.

Hayley Oliver Band going to appear at Nashville!

From time to time I post information about one of my all-time favourite country singers, Hayley Oliver, otherwise known as the UK's Queen of Country'. What an amazing talent this singer has! I know that she's destined to go a long way in the business and anything I can do to help her along is but a pleasure.

I was chatting to Hayley last night, each of us catching up on the latest news about the musical part of our lives, and she gave me the great news that The Hayley Oliver Band have been booked to play at the 'Loveless' cafe in Nashville, Tennessee, on November 9th, as part of an international country show hosted by WSM Radio and CMR Nashville, and they will be staying out there from the 6th to the 12th.

Wow, Nashville! I wish I could be there for the concert, but I guess that I'll just have to make do with hearing about it afterwards. However, dear reader, if you live near enough to get there on the night I can recommend you to go and listen to the Hayley Oliver Band and the other great singers booked for the show.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Emyn Cymraeg : 'O'r Rhyfeddod'

O'r Rhyfeddod!
Tôn: Blaenwern
Clywaf d’alwad O! Waredwr,
I dy wasanaethu Di:
Fendigedig Iesu, deuaf
I’th ewyllys, plygaf i.
O’r rhyfeddod, O’r llawenydd,
Brynwr gwerthfawr ‘rwyf yn rhydd,
O’r rhyfeddod, O’r llawenydd,
Bodlon yn Dy waith bob dydd.

Drwy fy mywyd, cwsg neu effro,
Ddydd neu nos, O! ysbryd byw
‘Rwyt arweinydd a diddanydd,
Ti yw popeth im fy Nuw.
O’r rhyfeddod, O’r llawenydd . . .

Teimlaf Di gerllaw yn fythol,
Cerddi gyda mi bob cam,
Yn ddiogel ‘rwyt yn gwarchod,
Cariad mwy na chariad mam.
O’r rhyfeddod, O’r llawenydd . . .

Ti O! Grist, yw fy ngwaredwr,
Aethost drosof fi I’r Groes,
O! Fab Duw fy mhrynwr dedwydd,
Fe’th addolaf hyd fy oes.
O’r rhyfeddod, O’r llawenydd . . .

Geiriau 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh
Cyf: Olwen Elena Williams

Persecution of Christians: Time for the Church Militant to emerge from the shadows.

The following informative report comes from The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest, Vol. 107 : August 14th, 2010 edition. For anyone who can’t face the fact that Christians in USA, UK and many other countries, are being persecuted in almost every sphere of daily life, just read on. All of the cases of persecution quoted can be checked out and expanded upon.

You can’t pray on the steps of the Supreme Court. You can’t preach from the Scriptures at a ‘Gay Pride Parade.’ A New Mexico federal judge warned a graduating class that he was sending a US Marshall to their graduation to ensure nobody said the Name ‘Jesus’ or they would spend six months in jail. “Anyone who violates these orders, no kidding, is going to wish that he or she had died as a child when this court gets through with it,” the judge told the students.

A teacher at the Lynn Lucas Middle School in Houston Texas threw away two students’ Truth for Youth Bibles, calling them “garbage.” She then took the students to the principal’s office where she threatened to call Child Protective Services on their parents for permitting them to bring their Bibles. Later at the same school, different officials threw away students’ book covers showing the Ten Commandments, claiming the commandments were hate speech and could offend students.
Senior citizens in Balch Springs, Texas, were forbidden from saying grace before meals because the food they were grateful for was federally-subsidised. Praying over federally-subsidized food violates the provisions of the 1st Amendment where it says, “Congress shall make no rule respecting the establishment of religion nor prohibit the free exercise thereof.”
In another case, school officials at the University of New Orleans denied Michelle Beadle permission to hand out an evangelistic tract that encourages Jewish people to embrace Jesus Christ as the true Messiah. The university told Beadle, a Messianic Jew who works as a missionary for Christian Jew Foundation Ministries, that the content of the literature 'may be offensive’ to some people.

There are probably dozens, if not hundreds of similar instances of this kind of extreme anti-Christian persecution. If the founding fathers could see what is taking place in America today, they would be spinning in their graves. How did it come to this ? Have you ever heard of Muslims being told they can't pray. They stop and pray anywhere they like. Can you imagine the furore if they were told they can't pray on public property. Remember what happened in Denmark over an insulting cartoon. Imagine what the media would say if Muslim prayer was banned except inside their Mosques.

I believe the Church, has been asleep or afraid to fight for the Faith and has allowed Atheists, Satanists, Islamists and the ‘Gay’ brigade to get such a big foot in the door, there is no turning back. The Body of Messiah needs to learn from our enemies and indignantly resist the encroachment of the enemy. They never give up. If they lose one battle, they retreat, regroup and attack again, until they achieve their demands.

Then there is the Mosque they want to build at Ground Zero. 3000 innocent people died when the Twin Towers were destroyed by 19 Muslim terrorists and yet they have the audacity to want to build a shrine to worship Allah. In times past they wouldn't have stood a chance but in today's PC world, there is only a very limited outcry against this offense to the memory of those who perished. I believe most Americans are appalled by the thought of a Mosque so close to Ground Zero, but most don't dare raise their voice against it. Even New York's Jewish mayor is in favour of it. Someone please suggest to Mayor Bloomberg that he should builds a synagogue or church anywhere in Saudi Arabia and see how far he gets.

I believe that the two greatest threats to Western civilization are the Muslims and the Gays. Our nations bend over backwards to appease both groups. Seems the West has forgotten how Islam has tried to wipe out Judaism and Christianity in the past, and that the ultimate goal of Islam is world domination under Allah. In the past they used outright force and violence to achieve their goal, but in our time the 'peaceful majority' work quietly behind the scenes taking advantage of the Western worlds foolish 'political correctness', while the radical minority continue their murderous Jihad. However, the goals of both are identical - to subdue and dominate the rest of the world and it seems the Jewish & Christian nations are their primary target.

You don't have to be a professor to see how the so-called ‘gays’ have been working furiously to impose their abominable sexual orientation upon the normal world. Like the Muslims they have been working quietly behind the scenes and more radically out in the open. They too use political correctness and human rights to brainwash people into accepting their abominable practices as normal. They too never give up. Praise the Lord, their attempt to have Gay marriage legalised in California has been blocked. But mark my words, they will be back to try again before too long. And they will probably get their wicked way because the rest of us are silent. I have said this before and I will say it again - it is time for the people of God to get MILITANT - spiritually in prayer and with the secular media.

Actually there are three main threats to Western civilization. What is the 3rd ? I am glad you asked! It’s YOU and ME — if we don’t rise up, speak up and front up to oppose the flood of evil that is engulfing us. As you contemplate this article and wonder 'What in the World Has Happened to America ?' consider you own nation — it probably isn't too far behind the United States.