Friday, August 6, 2010

Daniel Ubani : Killer GP. Who will be his next victim?

Second-rate Nigerian trained German doctor, Daniel Ubani, who killed David Gray by injecting him with ten times the recommended dosage of the pain-relieving drug, diamorphine, is attempting to use European Human Rights laws to silence the late Mr Gray's two sons from speaking out the truth about how he (Ubani) killed their father.

He claims that their campaign to bring him to justice is denying him the right to continue practising. Thank goodness that the brothers are waging their campaign, for by so doing they are preventing the killing of another victim of Ubani's flawed 'expertise'.

Ubani claims that the reason for the overdose he administered to David Gray was that he was unfamiliar with the drug and that he was tired, having only had three hours sleep after flying to the UK from Germany on the day prior to the incident. If these reasons are true then he is guilty of malpractice on both accounts. Firstly, if he was unfamiliar with the drug why did he not familiarise himself with it prior to using it? Secondly, if he was too tired to perform his duties safely and efficiently, why did he continue to proceed regardless?

Rather than allowing Ubani to succeed in his attempt to silence the Gray brothers protests he should be returned to the UK to face the charges that have been made in a British Court.

His continued refusal to be brought to justice for the killing should guarantee an ongoing ban against him working in the medical profession. He has proven by his actions that he is incompetent, so until he can prove that he is now competent then he should be barred from practice anywhere.

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