Friday, August 6, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

I wrote the following hymn in June 2006, and share it with you here today. The tune is Quam Dilecta, to which the hymn We love Thy place, O God, is sung. Why not sing it at home or in one of your church services. You can download more of my hymns by visiting

The One True God
Tune: Quam Dilecta

You are the one true God,
And we our worship bring;
Creator of all things,
This song of praise we sing.

Alone You’re holy, Lord,
You are the One-and-Three,
The Father, Spirit, Son,
The holy Trinity.

All heav’n bows down to You,
Acknowledging Your ways,
In wonderment and awe,
Give love’s eternal praise.

We join with angel throng,
Who gather up above,
To glorify and praise
With wondrous songs of love.

So may it never end,
This holy song of praise,
We praise the one true God,
Our Father, all our days!

© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, June 2006

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