Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Two versions of my hymn titled My Prayer, the first, with a refrain, is sung to the well-known tune "Jesus Loves Me" and the second, with slightly different words, is sung to the tune "Lübeck" Enjoy singing them both!

Firstly, the words to the tune "Jesus Loves Me":

My Prayer (With refrain) 7777
Tune: Jesus loves me
Father, hear me as I pray,
Jesus take my sins away;
Help me pass the darkest night,
Praise His glory in the Light.
Keep me, my Saviour,
Yes, keep me my Lord;
Keep me forever,
As promised in Your Word!

Though in sin I bow in shame,
Help me call upon His name;
Teach me how I should forgive,
As each day in Christ I live.
Keep me, my Saviour, . . .

Seeking always as I walk
Christ the Truth, the Life, the Way;
Serving Jesus in this world,
Praise Him always every day.
Keep me, my Saviour . . .

Helping others in His name,
Find salvation through the Son;
Till we stand in heaven’s light
Praising Him for battles won!
Keep me, my Saviour . . .
© 2007 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

My Prayer 7777
TUNE: Lübeck

Father, hear me as I pray,
Jesus take my sins away;
Help me pass the darkest night,
Praise His glory in the Light.

Though in sin I bow in shame,
Help me call upon His name;
Help me learn how to forgive,
Each day teach me how to live.

Help me always as I walk
Live the life and talk the talk;
Know the Truth, the Life, the Way,
Serving Jesus ev’ry day.

Helping others in His name,
Till we stand in heaven’s light;
Find salvation through the Son,
Praise Him for the battle won!
© 2006: Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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