Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hymn for today . . .

Every Need 7676 D
TUNE: Thornbury
Every need I have, Lord,
Each prayer that You fulfil,
I know it has been granted
By Your great love and will,
I need You, O Lord Jesus,
Each night and ev’ry day,
To guide me and to keep me,
Upon the narrow way.

As I walk on the pathway
Of my life’s narrow road,
Lord Jesus, by Your promise,
Help me to bear my load.
I need You, O Lord Jesus,
Each night and ev’ry day,
To guide me and to keep me,
Upon the narrow way.

O, my Lord, and Saviour,
Sent by God’s love and grace,
May I forever serve You,
My sight fixed on Your face.
I need You, O Lord Jesus,
Each night and ev’ry day,
To guide me and to keep me,
Upon the narrow way.

© 2010 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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