Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I've just finished reading . . .

This book is God-centred and demonstrates the amazing power of prayer when Christians gather to pray in earnest, believing that God not only hears their prayers but answers them as well. The following review by Eric Lazarius of 'The New England Calvanist' says it all:

In reading "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" I was struck by how God-centered the book was. It was not just a typical "how-to" on modern Christianity, but it was a timeless work that demonstrated the power of God that He sends out when we trust Him above all others and above all things. Pastor Cymbala did just that in Brooklyn. How refreshing it was to read about the Holy Spirit entering people's lives (people that most American Christians wouldn't have given a chance...) and changing them forever. Brooklyn Tabernacle became a place that God worked mightily because the whole church decided to admit to God that they had nothing else but Him, and that the power was all His. They could not trust in money, buildings, programs, famous people, websites, big staffs, high attendance, affluent neighborhoods, cutting-edge teachings, seminary training, human knowledge, big denominations, long-standing traditions, or anything else. Pastor Cymbala guides the reader toward the power of prayer in a healthy way, as well. We are not tempted to think that the mere installation of a prayer meeting will automatically force God's hand either. I loved nearly every bit of this book. Glory goes to God. I am now reading the follow-up work: "Fresh Faith".

I can only add comments that would be superfluous, and so I will keep my counsel, but take it from me that this is a book that you will want to recommend to your friends after reading it, just as I now recommend it to you, dear reader.

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