Friday, November 26, 2010

Brrr!!! Winter is coming with a vengeance

          In the UK at present, the experts are speaking of the worst snowfalls in November for seventeen years, as cold winds from Siberia blow icy blasts across the nation, bringing snowfall to many areas. I'm thankful that the area where I live is not currently one of them, although it's certainly exceptionally cold.
          The bitter cold turns my thoughts to the folk who live in the open, sleeping under cardboard and newspaper, in doorways and under bridges. If we feel the cold in our centrally-heated homes and heated cars, spare a thought for those folk who often don't even have much in the way of warm clothing, let alone a bed to sleep in. 
           Jesus said that "the foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but that the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." (Matthew 8:20).
           If we really want to be the hands, feet and voice of Christ in the world today then we should ensure as much as possible that our fellow man does have somewhere to lay his head, whatever it costs us.

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