Friday, November 26, 2010

A Hymn for Christmas: 'There's a Story'

There’s a Story 9898
TUNE: Spiritus Vitae
There is a story told to children,
that tells us of the Saviour’s love;
that tells us how they gathered round Him,
to hear Him tell of God above.

It tells how He came down from heaven,
to live with man upon the earth;
it tells of star, and hay-filled manger
that God chose for His humble birth.

The angel stood before the shepherds,
who heard all that he had to say,
they saw the star that shone so brightly,
and went to where the infant lay.

They worshipped Him there in that stable,
that perfect child, born from God’s love;
they praised Him and knelt to His glory,
then raised their thanks to heav’n above.
© 2010 Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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