Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Islamification Watch! : College Caves in to CAIR—ACTION ALERT!!

URGENT! Please call Lane Community College to voice your opposition

ACT! for America chapter leader Barry Sommer had a contract to teach a class about Islam at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon—until last week.

That’s when CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, using its typical propaganda smear tactics, put pressure on the college to remove Barry as the instructor.

Shamefully, Lane Community College caved in and cancelled the class.

In doing so, the college made itself complicit with CAIR’s continuing assault on the first amendment and its mission to impose sharia law in America.

We cannot sit by and do nothing. We MUST send a message to Lane Community College that caving in to CAIR, a front group for the terrorist organization Hamas, is outrageous and unacceptable.

Here’s what we’re asking you to do:

Call the Lane Community College main switchboard:
Why? Because we want to barrage the college with hundreds, even thousands of phone calls, today and tomorrow. This way the college will KNOW without a doubt that there are many Americans who object to the college’s actions.

When you call, ask to speak to Mary Spilde, college president, or the college’s public relations employee. In a firm but respectful tone, tell the person you speak to (or leave a voice mail) that you are outraged by the college’s decision to cave in to the demands of an organization like CAIR and suppress free speech on its campus, and that you are asking the college to reconsider and reinstate the class and Barry Sommer as instructor.

If you’re unable to get through when you call, that’s a good thing! That means many others are calling. Please try again later, or tomorrow.

If you can’t get through on the phone, or just can’t call for some reason, please send an email to Ms. Spilde expressing your outrage and asking that the class be reinstated—again, in a firm but respectful tone. Her email address is  But remember—calling is better than emailing.

We’re sure Lane Community College receives federal dollars, so everyone of us who pays taxes, no matter where we live, are helping to support the college. Thus, we have a right to make our voice heard!

What’s more, we need to send a message to other colleges across the country that Americans are not just going to sit back and watch while CAIR assaults the first amendment in its goal to impose sharia law on America!

Please place your phone call today or tomorrow! And please forward this email to others you know so that they can do the same.

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