Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'How Wonderful'

How Wonderful  CM
TUNE: Aberdeen
How wonderful to hear Your voice,
It acts like Gilead’s balm;
Bringing to me such peace and joy,
That still small voice of calm.
To know for certain, when I pray,
Wherever I may be,
That You are always close at hand,
To listen out for me.
I know that I can share my thoughts,
By calling on Your name;
Throughout my sadness and my joy,
For I my Saviour claim.
In happy times or dire distress,
On Jesu’s name I’ll call;
Knowing that He is always there
To catch me if I fall.
Through all the trying times of life,
Through all my length of days,
My Father, in the Saviour’s name,
I give to You my praise.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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