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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Poem for Today : 'A Church'

A Church

A single spire of hardened brick
standing, stark against the sky;
the lonely bell is ringing
for the stranger passing by.

Let us go in, and see
what base supports this rod;
let us kneel and pray,
for this is the house of God.

I walk around this house with care ­
yet not in fear;
for though it all seems empty,
I know that God is here.

A master in His house
who hangs a ‘Welcome’ sign;
for though this is His place of rest,
I know it’s also mine.

Row upon row of empty seats
of wood, rough hewn and bare.
Room after room in silence lay,
yet the voice of God was there.

At last I find the courage
and, seeing His table, where
I know that He’ll be seated,
I offer my humble prayer.

Although my eyes don’t see Him,
my faith is strong, forsooth,
for even a blind man sees
the Light, when there is truth.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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