Saturday, February 19, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

 "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7 (King James Version)
      Two days ago, I had a bad hair day.  I didn't even want to leave the house but something happened to turn it into a good day.  In fact, it turned out to be one the greatest days of my life.  As I was looking in the mirror at my hair, I smiled at myself and all of a sudden it didn't matter how my hair looked.
      Jesus is not impressed with the way our hair looks or our fancy clothes and our big houses and cars.  What He is interested in is the condition of our heart.  He loves us if we have a good hair day or if we have a bad hair day.  However, it hurts Him if we have things in our heart that bring disgrace and shame to Him.
      Yes, Jesus looks at what is in our heart.  We are the ones that judge each other on the way we look.  I know someone who tried to commit suicide because the parents kept telling the person to lose weight because of being overweight.  May God have mercy on us for judging others because of how they look.
      The next time you think that you look terrible because you are having a bad hair day or you are overweight, remember that Jesus loves you.  If we would spend as much time making sure that our heart is pleasing to God as we do on our outward appearance, we wouldn't have so many bad days.
      Heavenly Father, if there is anything in our heart that displeases You,  please forgive us.  Thank You for looking on our heart and  for loving us even when we have bad hair days.  Amen.
 Joanne Lowe
February 19, 2011

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