Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Let's Stand Together'

Let’s Stand Together  5555 & Refrain
TUNE: Together
Let’s stand together,
Let’s all praise the Lord;
And let’s join in worship
Of the Living Word!
      Oh, let’s stand together!
      Let’s all praise the Lord.
      And let’s join in worship
      Of the Living Word!
      Let’s stand together!
      Let’s stand together
      Let’s stand together,
      And let’s all praise the Lord!
Let’s praise together,
Let’s all praise the Lord;
And praise Him forever,
The true Living Word!
Oh, let’s praise together!
Let’s all praise the Lord.
And praise Him forever,
The true Living Word!
Let’s stand together!
Let’s stand together
Let’s stand together,
And let’s all praise the Lord!
© 2007 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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