Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Hear the News!'

Hear the News! 77 77 D 
TUNE: Neumeister
Hear the gospel message now,
To the Saviour I will bow!
Hear the news I gladly bring:
Christ is Lord and Christ is King!
He is Lord and He is King,
To His feet your tributes bring,
He will teach you all His ways.
Give Him glory, give Him praise!
Hear the gospel message now,
To the Saviour I will bow!
Hear the news I gladly bring:
Christ is Lord and Christ is King!
He has come so you may live,
He has come new life to give;
Now, forever, all your days,
Give Him glory, give Him praise!
Hear the gospel message now,
To the Saviour I will bow!
Hear the news I gladly bring:
Christ is Lord and Christ is King!
We must share the news with all,
We must heed the gospel call;
Worship Him, before Him bow,
Give Him glory, praise Him now!
Hear the gospel message now,
To the Saviour I will bow!
Hear the news I gladly bring:
Christ is Lord and Christ is King!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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