Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Poem for Today : David and Goliath'

David and Goliath

David went to fight Goliath,
He went in the strength of the Lord,
He just took along his slingshot,
He had no shield or sword.

The Philistines gathered their army,
And the Israelites gathered theirs,
David had his slingshot ready,
Israel said their prayers.

Goliath of Gath came forward,
He was higher than ten feet tall;
His armour was heavy as David,
By slingshot he would fall.

David went without his armour,
And from the brook he took five stones,
With his slingshot he was ready,
To break Goliath’s bones.

Now Goliath threatened David,
Said that he’d feed him to the birds,
David took aim with his slingshot,
The thud was all you heard.

Goliath was struck on his head,
By one of the little round stones,
He’d been killed by David’s slingshot,
Now he was just old bones.

David had fought with Goliath,
Done it in the strength of the Lord,
He’d done the deed with his slingshot,
Just like it says in the Word.
 © 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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