Friday, March 11, 2011

New Hymn for today . . . 'Let the Trumpet Sound'

Let the Trumpet Sound   6666 5576
TUNE: Jesus Paid it All
We praise the risen Christ,
Who's overcome the grave;
Give glory to our Lord,
For Jesus came to save!
Let your praise ring out
On this Easter Day!
There is just an empty tomb
Where once the Saviour lay.
Loud let the trumpet sound,
Let people sing today,
Let us all celebrate
The stone has rolled away!
Glory to our King!
God and Spirit too;
Now by your accepting Him
Become a creature new.
Now praise the risen Christ,
And let your praises ring,
Loud let the trumpet sound,
Give glory to our King!
Let your praise ring out
On this Easter Day!
There is just an empty tomb
Where once the Saviour lay.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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