Monday, March 14, 2011

Padded Bras for little children! What on earth are they thinking about?

      It was reported in the Press yesterday that Matalan are selling padded bras for 8-year old little girls. Bratz have stocked similar product lines aimed at 6-year old little girls. Some time back, Tesco was blasted in the Press for aiming a line of padded bras at 7 and 8-year old little girls. This causes me to ask the question: "What on earth are the owners of these stores thinking of?"
      With the problems of predatory paedophiles surfing Internet social chat sites and lurking around school playgrounds and the like, is it really healthy to attempt to sexualise little girls in this manner. Naturally there will be those parents of some little girls who think it's all rather cute, but thankfully there will also be many who are responsible parents and who will be disgusted by the whole concept of robbing little children of their innocence. 
      Our children face an onslaught as never before in the attempts to make them sexually aware at a younger and younger age. The official school curriculum contains material for 5-year-olds that contains explicit cartoons, films and books. Many television programmes, despite the 9 o'clock watershed, nevertheless contain images and material that serves to sexualise those children viewing it, and there is no control beyond parental controls to police it. Considering the general attitude towards morality in this country I have little hope of parental control being operative in the majority of cases.
      Surely we need to look at the situation as a whole, and ignore the pleas of those those who seek to benefit from this blatant sexualisation of our innocent children? That there is a great deal of money to be made from the policies of companies who design, manufacture, publish and stock the various products in question there can be no doubt. If it were not so then they would not do it, but there is something far more important than the mighty pound or dollar that is at stake here, for it is the effect on the young and subsequent generations that is under the spotlight. 
      Enough is enough! It's time to take action ourselves if the store owners are unwilling to do so. There are many things that you can do to help redress the balance of sensibility, starting with a boycott of stores that stock products for little children that are totally unsuitable. Complain to the Store manager and write letters of complaint to the CEO of the companies involved.
      If you want to go further then why not become more of an activist and tear the products from the shelves and dump them in the nearest trash-can!
      Of course you can just sit back and do nothing at all about it. After all, that's why the situation has got to the point that it has --- apathy. Perhaps, you might argue, you are not the parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or otherwise related, to a child that might become ensnared by this sexualisation that is so blatant and prevalent, and so it doesn't really concern you. Well, think again! This is a problem that should concern every decent person in the nation, and especially those in positions of authority who are appointed to be representatives in the various local and national governmental organisations. In fact, I guess that if you are a voter then it concerns you, so why not take action today.

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