Monday, March 14, 2011

Time for a National Day of Repentance & Prayer!

      Even the most short-sighted person can quickly understand that this nation is in direst need of putting itself right once again if it is to have any chance of clambering out of the mire into which it has become immersed over the past couple of decades in particular.
      One of the things that impressed me greatly on my recent trip to Utah was that for a whole week I never hear any profanity or blasphemy uttered. This was not simply because I had stuffed my ears with cotton wool either. It simply was not a part of any conversation which I was involved in or in a position to overhear. By comparison, it is a normal part of life here in the UK to hear the foulest language and regular blasphemous comments during every part of every day. You are not even safe in your own home from the onslaught. I recently had to take some young visitors to task in my own home for the use of the 'F' word in their general conversation, the excuse being offered that it was how they spoke all the time. It's commonplace to hear profanities uttered on television, even in circumstances where there is no excuse whatsoever for it. When I was a youngster, my father explained that only those who had a poor knowledge of the English language needed to resort to profanity in order to make their point. In other words, the use of profanity demonstrates the ignorance of the user. Well, all I can say is that we must be inundated these days with ignorant people.
      No area is safe. The abuse of the language by such means is prevalent at all levels. You can hear foul language uttered by Ministers and MPs alike and even, to their everlasting shame, by members of the Clergy and of the teaching profession, so it's no wonder that children grow up assuming that it's perfectly okay to act in the same  manner.
      Then we have the problems in our society of alcohol. Long-recognised as the root cause of so many crimes, both minor and major, alcohol is cheaply available to anyone who wants it, irrespective of age. Oh, of course there are age-restrictions on who can buy it, but in my own experience these are often ignored in the interest of hearing the till ring up another sale, even if the purchaser is a 16-year old youngster. People are prohibited from drinking alcohol on the streets, yet it's commonplace to see it anywhere in the nation at any time of the night or day. The lack of policing makes the laws governing these matters almost irrelevant. Of course, should you dare to protest then you are subjected at the very least to verbal abuse or at worst to attack which may well result in fatality. Just read the Press to find confirmation of this.
      Much has become commonplace as a result of the so-called 'Human Rights' laws, which inform people of their perceived human rights whilst never ever speaking of the responsibilities which accompany those rights. Many so-called human rights are not rights at all in the final analysis anyway.
      The nation has, by and large, turned its communal back on God. The atheists such as Richard Dawkin have enjoyed a field day, as have the humanists. Yet what does that tell us? Jesus Christ has been worshipped for over two thousand years whilst Dawkins, who may be revered by a few people, has been around for a mere handful. More than that, when Dawkins is reconsigned to the dust from which he came, and lies forgotten beyond the merest mention perhaps in some future history book, Jesus Christ will still be worshipped in 2000 years from now. Makes you think, doesn't it!
      Churches are relatively empty, and many are closing down. Thankfully there are many new ones being formed by congregations who are fed up with the lack-lustre leadership of the older denominations. So, there is still a remnant of people who seek the face of God, despite the attempts by the recent Labour government in particular to sideline God from the halls of education, from Council Meetings and from the workplace. The message is trumpeted loud and clear from various Authorities that God is persona non grata. Little wonder then that the country is sinking further and further into the morass. This will not change until the mindset of the nation changes. I believe that there can be little doubt that because the Nation has turned its communal back on God then God has removed His blessing from the Nation.
      You may well be dismayed dear reader, and so you should be. Remember that those in positions of power are there because someone has voted them into those positions, and you are likely to be someone who has voted, even if your chosen representative failed to be elected. Nevertheless, you are represented by whoever is the MP or Councillor for your district, and that means that you can make your voice heard above the din of those demanding their rights. So exercise your rights and make contact with those who have been elected to represent you.
      In the past history of this Nation there have been calls for a National Day of Prayer. It happened during the First World War and the course of the War was altered in our favour. It happened during the Second World War and the course of the War was altered in our favour, despite the odds stacked against us. Ask any Dunkirk veteran.
It is time for this Nation to repent. 
  • To repent of the manner in which God has been sidelined.
  • To repent for the killing of unborn babies, using abortion as some form of contraceptive.
  • To repent for the manner in which children are sacrificed on the altar of parental hedonism.
  • To repent of the use of profanity and blasphemy in everyday language usage.
  • To repent for the sexualisation of Society.
  • To repent individually for breaking God's Laws.
  • To repent for removing God from the schools.
  • To repent from banishing God from the workplace.
  • To repent for allowing policy makers to destroy our society in the pursuit of their own selfish ends.
If there is a National Day of Repentance & Prayer then I believe that God will once more bless this nation. The last time that someone had the courage to suggest this in Parliament they were laughed down. I wonder whether times have changed after the economic disasters of the past few years. 

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