Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Guiding Light [Always With My Love] - Grace Bawden

      I know that I'm always on about how great Grace Bawden is, but believe me, the reason is that she is destined to become one of the greats on the world stage, without doubt. The only question is when it will finally come about, and if you follow her career to date then you will agree with me, I'm sure, that it cannot be too far away.
      Guiding Light (Always With My Love) was co-written by Grace with multi-award winning songwriter, Barbara Griffin. Now lots of singers write or co-write some or all of their songs, but when Grace wrote and recorded this she was just 14 years old. She wrote this with her younger brother, Luke, in mind, and has dedicated the Youtube video to him.
      Grace is special because not only does she have a prodigious talent as a singer, but she has so many great qualities as a human being as well. I'm privileged to count her as a friend.

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