Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

"And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;"
Revelation 5:9 (King James Version)
      There are things that used to be free that we now have to buy.  However, there is one thing that will always be free and that is our salvation.  Jesus paid the price for our sins when He was crucified.  Our salvation is the most expensive thing that was ever purchased.  It cost Jesus everything, His life and His blood.
      Fanny Crosby who wrote thousands of hymns wrote a hymn that describes the amazing love of Jesus "Redeemed, and with the Price of Blood".  The words in this hymn should cause all of us to fall on our knees in praise and gratitude to Jesus.  What a loving Saviour we have, this Jesus of Nazareth!
      When Fanny wrote these words, I believe that they came from the depths of her heart.  "Redeemed, and made by simple faith An heir of heaven above!  Oh, love surpassing human thought!  Oh, vast, unmeasured love!"  You and I only have a fingernails grasp of how much Jesus loves us.
      Not only did Jesus suffer excruciating physical pain for us, He also suffered emotional pain for us.  I believe that every time they pounded a nail into His hands, He felt it go into His heart.  What kind of love is this that would make our Saviour stay on the cross in the midst of all this pain and anguish?
      It is a compassionate forgiving love.  Jesus has commanded us to love others the way He loves us.  Let's start loving others like Jesus loves us.  Thank You, Jesus, for paying the price for us.
Joanne Lowe

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