Friday, December 16, 2011

Don Yarber and the 'Kip Yardley Mysteries' : Good reads for the Holidays!

Here's a trio of books that will keep you engrossed through the holidays. Written by Don Yarber, they feature Kip Yardley in a series of mysteries. Buy them from your book store or online from Amazon, or download them onto your nice new Kindle. Whatever way you do it, one thing is for sure, these mystery will keep you guessing!
Check out these reviews:
Corpses and Canyons:
     Kip Yardley is called to the wild, desert areas of Arizona to find the killers of a highway surveyor.   He gets shot at, left to die in the desert, and warned by Flagstaff Police to drop the case and go back home to LA.  Kip is determined to find out what the clues in an old Inidian Peace pipe, a topography map, and a drawing in the sand all add up to. 

     The bad guys are out to kill him and the girls are out to tease him.  But when the daughter of the higway construction boss disappears, things start getting hot in a hurry.  Fast paced, hard hitting, and cleverly constructed, this mystery will keep you guessing "who done it?"
Bodies and Beaches:
     In "Bodies and Beaches" Don has created Kip Yardley, hard hitting Private Eye, former California Highway Patrol officer.  Kip is hired by beautiful Starla Lang to find her brother's killers.
     Kip fights his way through beaches full of beach bums, barns full of marijuana and topless bars full of sleazy dancers and illegal aliens.
     Something keeps nagging Kip about the connection between the killers and a friend, Toby Smith, who is Kip's connection to the California Highway Patrol, and a guy who has always dealt his cards straight.
     Kip needs to prove to himself that Toby isn't a bad guy but all indications are that he is being set up for a hard fall.
     Funny at times, serious at others, this book is fast paced and easy reading.
Death and Deep Water:
     The third in the "Kip Yardley" mysteries, Kip is asked by an aging Hollywood movie star to find the remains of her WWII pilot husband, shot down over a South Pacific island. Kip's fee: $250,000.
     Then the old lady turns up dead, shot through the head with a .22 calibre handgun.  LA police find a contract for Kip's assignment, signed by the old lady.  All Kip has to do to make the quarter million dollars she offered is to sign the contract and find the remains.
     There are dark forces and deep waters between Kip and the quarter million.

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