Friday, December 16, 2011

Merkel's French poodle keeps on yapping!

     I'm sure that many people found Napoleon Bonaparte an annoying little Frenchman. It is sometimes claimed that the shorter you are the louder you need to be in order to make your voice heard over the crowd. 
     It is also a fact that very often the smaller the dog the more it yaps and barks, often to the great annoyance of all of the neighbours. 
     This certainly seems to be true also of the French poodle that Angela Merkel is often seen in public with. It seems that he is well trained, for Sarkozy comes running whenever Merkel whistles for him What an annoying little Frenchman he is, and what a lot of noise he makes.
     In order to detract from his own Country's economic woes he reverts to what the French have done for years --- bashing away at the British. They have never forgiven the British for defeating Bonaparte, and that's the problem.
     Of course, here in the UK there are many who seem to dance to the tune that Merkel & Sarkozy are currently playing. Nick Clegg --- the LibDem leader who is best at wavering and mind-changing, and various others who are afraid to see the gravy-train of the EU derailed and their opportunities for gilt-edged retirement jobs derailed alongside --- are spreading so many bits of malicious gossip about the dangers created by Cameron's veto last week on behalf of Britain. They claim that Cameron has, as a result of the veto, left Britain dangerously exposed and isolated. What a load of nonsense! By not joining the doomed Euro currency Britain has been isolated since the Euro was launched in January 1999, so what's new?
     To any seasoned observer it is obvious that the Euro is doomed to failure and the dustbin of economic and political history. Already we have had bailouts for the Euro that have spectacularly failed to achieve stability, and throwing more billions into the pot will simply stretch out the death-throes of the Euro and the Eurozone.
     No wonder Merkel and her EU cronies want to bring in a law which bans any country in the EU from holding a referendum on any EU policy! 
     Seems to me that behind all of this is the desire for the New World Order to establish a tighter stranglehold on this corner of the globe. I don't agree with much that the politicians do these days because it so often appears that they are more concerned about themselves than the people they are appointed to represent. However, I was both pleased and surprised by David Cameron's political courage in vetoing what he perceived to be bad for the UK, despite the whining of the assorted Europhiles, especially those in the LibDem camp.

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