Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Drunken Somali Muslim Girls in Racial Attack

     Three sisters and their cousin, all Somali Muslims, walked free from court yesterday because a liberally-minded judge allowed the defence that they were not used to being drunk, and had committed the offence of causing actual bodily harm --- a charge which all four of them admitted --- as a result of their binge-drinking prior to the assault. 
     Screaming racially-motivated abuse at their 22 year-old white victim, the four girls called her 'a white slag' amongst other things. 
     The Qur'an forbids Muslims from consuming alcohol, apart from for medical reasons, but these girls were obviously not interested in what their Holy Book taught. 
     The girls concerned in the attack are sisters Ambaro, Ayan and Hibo Maxamed, and their cousin Ifra Nhur, two of them aged 24 and two aged 28. They showed no remorse for their actions, which was all the more reason for a custodial sentence being passed upon them.
     What shame they have heaped on their families and their communities, and what disrespect for their religion.
     I hope that one outcome from this episode is not that others will feel that they can do as they please, assured that the UK Legal System will free them with little more than a slap on the wrist.

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