Wednesday, December 7, 2011

'Wherever You Are', sung by The Military Wives Choir.

     Let us all help to get this song to the Christmas #1 position and knock the chances of X-Factor with a really worthwhile song, a really worthwhile choir and a really worthwhile cause. Anyone who watched the programme on the BBC which showed the amazingly inspiring Gareth Malone forming this choir from amongst a group of military wives. We saw the effort that was put in at every stage. We felt the stress and had our confidence in these women built up as Gareth inspired them to greater and greater heights, until they truly soared to the heights that they now have, loved by the nation.
     Please help to make this the #1 Christmas Song this year, because it's such a deserving thing to do. Whilst I'm on about 'deserving', don't you agree with me that Gareth Malone most definitely deserves official national recognition for his inspirational work in the community. I believe that he should be honoured for it in the New Year's Honours List.

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