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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cameron breaks promise on redefinition of marriage

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Broken promises:
Cameron said he had
‘no plans’ to redefine marriage


As the big vote in the House of Commons approaches (Tue. 5 Feb), it’s easy to forget that on 3 May 2010 – just three days before the last general election – David Cameron said on TV that he was “not planning” to change the definition of marriage.
He was being interviewed by Adam Boulton on Sky News, and was asked a direct question about whether he would introduce gay marriage. He said: “I am not planning that.” Gay marriage campaigners were furious, as this article shows.
It is outrageous that Mr Cameron went on TV just three days before a general election and told voters one thing, but did the exact opposite once inside Downing Street. His manifesto at the election was silent, so he has no mandate to redefine marriage. His only mandate is to defend traditional marriage.
Please read our latest briefing on the issue, and please share it with all your family and friends.
The Coalition for Marriage is doing all it can ahead of the Second Reading vote on Tuesday.
Yours sincerely,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
Campaign Director
Coalition for Marriage

Some More Great Christian Quotes

A New Hymn for Today: "We Humbly Bow"

We Humbly Bow   9999 & Refrain
TUNE: Humbly
Lord we humbly bow in awe of You,
And we kneel in joy before Your throne;
We can hear the choirs of angels sing,
As creation worships You alone.
So with joy we will sing,
We will praise Your name,
And we will bow low on bended knee;
We will sing songs of praise,
We will worship You,
We will praise You for setting us free!
We’ll proclaim You Saviour, Lord and King,
We will worship You as hands we raise;
Give You glory on the mountain top,
Singing songs of everlasting praise.
So with joy we will sing,
We will praise Your name,
And we will bow low on bended knee;
We will sing songs of praise,
We will worship You,
We will praise You for setting us free!
Till we lay our worship at Your feet,
And in heav’n our songs of joy we sing,
We will serve You here on earth below,
And proclaim You our Saviour and King!
So with joy we will sing,
We will praise Your name,
And we will bow low on bended knee;
We will sing songs of praise,
We will worship You,
We will praise You for setting us free!
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Gathering Nuts for Winter

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Teachers face threat over farce of same-sex "marriage."

Latest: Government admits teachers do face threat

The Daily Telegraph carries a front-page report today saying that the Government is “powerless” to stop teachers getting sacked if they refuse to endorse same-sex marriage. It quotes a senior source at the Department
for Education admitting that the UK is not “in control” and that European
judges have the final say.
We told you that teachers were under threat, now we know the Government thinks so too – albeit privately. It’s appalling that they haven’t been more
upfront about this. It just shows that we have been absolutely right to point
out the widespread impact of this unpopular and divisive policy.
Today, we are publishing our report on same-sex marriage storybooks being promoted in primary schools.
The legal and political pressure to use these books in classrooms will be
all the greater if marriage gets redefined. Culture wars about the meaning
of marriage shouldn’t be dragged into our schools. But some extreme local authority somewhere will try to do just that, and woe betide any teacher
who objects.
Your MP opposes the plans to redefine marriage. That’s good news but it
is still important to encourage them to stay on the right side of this debate.
The Bill to redefine marriage was published today and MPs will vote on it
for the first time on Tuesday 5 February.
So, if you have not already done so, please ask your MP for a face-to-face meeting. It is important that you meet your MP before 5 February. If you can’t secure a meeting before then, just email your MP and say you oppose the redefinition of marriage.
  • Thank your MP for backing marriage.
  • If you have told many of your friends about your MP’s principled stance, say so.
  • Say you really hope your MP will be there on 5 February to vote against the Bill.
  • Remind your MP that the Government has ignored the impact this will have on teachers and others who believe in traditional marriage (the European Court recently said it was OK to sack a registrar who didn’t agree with civil partnerships).
  • Remind your MP that the Government has no mandate for this change because it wasn’t in the manifestos of any major party.
  • Remind your MP that the Government should be sorting out the economy and improving public services, not meddling with marriage.
  • Remind your MP that there’s no need to redefine marriage because all the legal rights of marriage are available to gay couples through civil partnerships.
When meeting your MP:
  • Please DO NOT take a copy of this message to the meeting.
  • Be friendly, calm and polite. Remember to thank your MP for opposing the redefinition of marriage.
  • Speak using your own words and be yourself.
  • Don’t deluge your MP with lots of information – remember they’re on your side.
  • But it may help them to be reminded of one or two arguments for keeping marriage as it is.
  • If your friends are pleased that the MP is against redefining marriage, do tell your MP that. 

Ephesians 6. 10-18 : Chuck Longmayne sings 'The Armour of the Lord'

Check out this great Country Gospel song from the song-writing duo, Colin Gordon-Farleigh & Greg Scheer. Recorded in Nashville and sung by Chuck Longmayne, it is released on the SJM label.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Deby Kelley sings 'Flag Covered Coffin'

Check out this song written by Ed Gowens and sung by Deby Kelley, in support of our troops.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January-March edition of 'The Voice' available on-line

The January-March edition of 'The Voice Christian News & Views' is now available to read and/or download via the following link.

'The Voice' is a Christian magazine packed full of articles, pictures, poetry and much more, it makes a really good read.

St John the Evangelist, Walton Lea, near Warrington

The church of St John the Evangelist at Higher Walton, near Warrington, taken from the grounds of the adjacent Walton Lea Crematorium on Friday 18th January 2013.
Always a pleasant picture, it is especially so in the snow and framed by these two trees.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Joanne Lowe's Meditations : 'The Missing Ingredient'

“And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.”
1 Corinthians 13:3 KJV
     Have you ever made a cake or tasted a cake and thought that an ingredient had been left out because it didn’t taste very good?  Several years ago, I made a cake and forgot to put one of the ingredients in it.  I don’t remember which ingredient I forgot to put in the cake but it didn’t taste very good.  I threw the cake out.
     There are times when we forget to include the most important ingredient in our relationships and conversations.  The most important ingredient in our relationships and conversations is love.  One of the definitions for charity in Webster’s Dictionary is “benevolent good will toward or love of humanity”.
     We can give people money and take them places and do things for them but why are we giving them money and taking them places or doing things for them?  If we aren’t doing these things because we love them, we are doing them for the wrong reason and our motives stink in the nostrils of God.
     When we are kind to people, we are kind to Jesus.  “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).  Are you being kind to Jesus or are you breaking His heart?
     Heavenly Father, please forgive us for not always loving our family and friends unconditionally as Jesus has commanded us to love them.  Help us to love one another unconditionally.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Peaceful Serenity in Nature

Peace and serenity are found in many ways, but no more so than in the quiet places where the beauty of Nature is rolled out before and about us.
 There is something about the sea, whether it's the power that it can muster or the calm that it can portray. Either way, there is something about the sea that brings a sense of peace or a sense of excitement, or sometimes both in the same breath.
 The un-trodden road when it has snowed is one which never fails to bring a sense of peace and serenity into my life. How I long to make my footsteps the first on this scene, and yet how I long also for it to remain undisturbed!

Islamic concept of 'Free Speech' according to Harris Zafar

Free speech according to Islam
Or, when free speech—isn’t
     The column below, written by Harris Zafar and recently published in The Washington Post, defines “free speech” in a way that can only be described as classic doublespeak. 
     Zafar’s premise reminds us of a column written by Sheikh Ali Gomaa, the Grand Mufti of Egypt, which appeared in The Wall Street Journal on October 8, 2009. Gomaa wrote:

We have upheld the right of freedom of conscience, and the freedom
of expression, within the bounds of common decency…

We are committed to human liberty within the bounds of Islamic law.

[emphasis added]

Who defines what is “common decency?” Sharia law, of course. For example,
“common decency”
does not include the right to criticize Islam.
     The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is fighting, with the help of our State Department, to get UN Resolution 16/18 passed. This resolution calls on nations to prohibit speech about religion that incites people to violence. 
     Once again, we see who claims authority to define what speech should be protected and what speech prohibited. This is stealth jihad at its stealthiest.
     Please read Zafar’s column below, and see if you can spot the doublespeak and the questions about who and what define what is acceptable and permitted speech.

Here’s an example to get you started: “…it [Islam] promotes free speech when
our intention is to serve a good purpose…” “Good purposes” in sharia law
include “fighting in the cause of Allah” (jihad) against anyone who opposes
Islam, but do not include questioning anything Muhammad said.

Making Islamic sense of free speech
By Harris Zafar 
     While many celebrated the winter holidays, news broke of the arrest in Saudi Arabia of liberal writer Turki Al Hamad for allegedly insulting Islam on Twitter. We also heard of another Saudi activist, Raif Badawi, who was arrested in June and will now continue with his trial, accused of apostasy for ridiculing Saudi Arabia’s religious police and making other comments that officials found insulting. These incidents have re-ignited the age old debate about the use of freedom of speech, especially with regards to Islam.      The difference between Islam’s view on free speech and the view promoted by free speech advocates these days is the intention and ultimate goal each seeks to promote. Whereas many secularists champion individual privileges, Islam promotes the principle of uniting mankind and cultivating love and understanding among people. Both endorse freedom for people to express themselves, but Islam promotes unity, whereas modern-day free speech advocates promote individualism. 
     Let me explain. 
     The ultimate goal of Islam is to unite mankind under a single banner of peace. The Koran– Islam’s holy scripture – says God created everyone in unity, but our own man-made differences has compromised our unity (2:214). In order to unite mankind, Islam instructs to only use speech to be truthful, do good to others, and be fair and respectful. It attempts to pre-empt frictions by prescribing rules of conduct which guarantee for all people not only freedom of speech but also fairness, absolute justice, and the right of disagreement. 
     The Koran instructs people to speak the truth (33:71), to speak in a manner that is best (17:54), to speak to others kindly (2:84) and to refrain from inappropriate speech (4:149). With Islam’s guidance to purify our intentions, it promotes free speech when our intention is to serve a good purpose, promote peace, bring people closer to God and unite mankind. If, however, our intentions are to insult others or promote disorder or division, we should refrain. 
     The most vocal proponents of freedom of speech, however, call us towards a different path, where people can say anything and everything on their mind. With no restraint on speech at all, every form of provocation would exist, thereby cultivating confrontation and antagonism. They insist this freedom entitles them the legal privilege to insult others. This is neither democracy nor freedom of speech. It fosters animosity, resentment and disorder. 
     Rather than focusing on privileges, Islam focuses on the principle to avoid speech that causes separation and conflict. Our words should have a positive impact on people’s lives, promote truth and promote justice. We agree with former U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, who once said: “A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.” Treating speech as supreme at the expense of world peace and harmony is an incredibly flawed concept. No matter how important the cause of free speech, it still pales in comparison to the cause of world peace and unity. 
     Opponents of Islam claim it denies freedom of speech and censors those who insult Islam. This is factually incorrect. Islam does not prescribe any worldly punishment for unseemly speech. So people who insult should not be persecuted. Islam grants everyone the right to express disagreements with others. After all, the Prophet Muhammad called differences of opinion a blessing in society and never sought to censor or threaten those who verbally attacked him. 
     [Editor’s note: Zafar is either ignorant of accepted Islamic history, including authoritative Islamic sources, or he is practicing taqiyya (deception.) Muhammad dealt harshly with those who dared to mock or criticize him, including ordering their assassination.] 
     According to the Koran, disbelievers called him “a mad man,” “a victim of deception,” a “fabricator” and treated him as a liar. Some claimed he was taught by another person instead of receiving revelations from God. They called the Koran “confused dreams” and “mere stories of the past” and even tore it into pieces. 
     Through this all, he courageously endured all verbal assaults. Rather than calling for any punishment, the Koran instructs us to “overlook their annoying talk” and “bear patiently what they say.” The lesson here for all Muslims is that we are not to be afraid of insults. Rather, we must have the same courage as our Prophet to face such insults in the eye and respond with forbearance and calm, righteous speech. Muslims must learn how their faith instructs them to respond when they are verbally attacked. No riots; no violence. We respond to speech with speech, but our speech is to be better and more dignified. 
     So while antagonists and enemies of peace create slanderous videos, cartoons or advertisements – like the “Innocence of Muslims” film, Pamela Geller’s new ignorant NYC subway ads and Charlie Hebdo’s cartoon about Prophet Muhammad – let us not fall for their claim that an individual’s privilege to say whatever they want is more important than the higher principle of uniting people and saving this planet from a path of animosity, hatred and destruction. Rather than falsely accusing Islam of censorship, let us understand the beauty of giving higher consideration to mankind over our own personal privileges. And let us listen to the wisdom of the Khalifa of Islam, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who said: “Let it not be that in the name of freedom of speech the peace of the entire world be destroyed.” 
Harris Zafar is National Spokesperson for Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA - among the eldest Muslim organizations in America - and a frequently lecturer about Islam throughout the country.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Poem: 'If Christ Should Come Tonight'

If Christ Should Come Tonight

Is my house set in order
if Christ should come today?
What tasks would be unfinished
if I were called away?

Suppose an angel told me
at early morning light,
"Your Lord will come this evening,
You shall go home tonight,"

Would ecstasy be clouded
by thought of work undone,
The seed I might have scattered,
The crown I might have won?

The soul I meant to speak to,
the purse I meant to share,
And oh the wasted moments
I meant to spend in prayer!

The weight of unsaved millions
would press upon my heart.
In their death am I certain
that I had not a part?

And such a few short moments
In which to set things right!
How feverishly I'd labor
Until the waning light!

O slothful soul and careless heart,
O eyes which have no sight, -
Work, lest you reap but vain regrets!
Your Lord "may" come home tonight!

by Martha Snell Nicholson

Read about Martha Snell Nicholson by following the link here.

Magical places and their hidden stories.

I love reflections in water, especially in nature, and this picture creates such a magical sense with the combination of colour and reflection.
With a little imagination it's easy to weave a story based on these amazing forest tunnel pathways. Harry Potter, eat your heart out! This would be a tale of goblins and hobgoblins, of fairy's and sprites, would together in a story about the eternal fight between good and evil.
This could be an image from another planet with its misty moonlit scene. Another story waiting to be prised from the picture.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Some More Great Christian Quotes for Today.

"The more we pay for any truth, the better is our bargain."
- William Law

"Our murmuring is the devil's music."
-Thomas Watson

"A sign of life is you have a good appetite. And spiritual food is
doing God's work - His will."  - John 4:34"

"We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot do what God does, and
that God will not do what we can do."
- Oswald Chambers

"No sort of defence is needed for preaching outdoors, but it would
take a very strong argument to prove that a man who has never preached
beyond the walls of his meeting-house has done his duty. A defence is
required for services within buildings rather than for worship outside
of them."
- William Booth

"'Not called!' did you say? 'Not heard the call,' I think you should
say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull
sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened,
agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help.
Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entrat you to go to
their father's house and bid their brothers and sisters not to come
there. Then look Christ in the face whose mercy you have professed to
obey and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and
circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world."
- William Booth

Monday, January 14, 2013

A new Worship Song for Easter

Here is a new song for Easter, called 'He Came.' Sorry, I haven't scored the music as yet.

He Came
He came,
To bring
New life for all mankind.

He came,
To save
The lost, the lame, the blind.

He came,
To earth
Salvation to impart.

He came,
For man
But man just broke His heart.

The people turned their back on Christ,
Upon that fateful day;
With iron nails and crown of thorns
They killed God’s chosen Way.

They nailed Him there upon the tree
High on Golgotha’s mound
And yet, although He died that day,
In Him no sin was found.

They brought Him down and gently laid,
His body in the grave;
They wrapped Him round in linen cloth,
This man who came to save.

He came,
To bring
New life for all mankind.

He came,
To save
The lost, the lame, the blind.

He came,
To earth
Salvation to impart.

He came,
For man
But man just broke His heart.

On the third day as morning broke,
The tomb was open wide;
The grave-cloth lay all neatly wrapped,
Yet Christ was not inside.

And now, because He rose again,
The prophets to fulfil,
The hope of all mankind was born,
According to God’s will.

Now we can call upon His Name,
The ever-living Word;
One day He will return for us,
Shout praises to our Lord!

He came,
He brought
New life for all mankind.

He came,
He saved
The lost, the lame, the blind.

He came
To earth
Salvation to impart.

He came
For us
God’s great love to impart.
© 2013 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

Thursday, January 10, 2013

'On A Derelict Church' : A new poem by Colin Gordon-Farleigh

On the subject of Revival

Revival Image

     If you are serious about praying for revival then you are already alive in Christ and have already been revived yourself.
     Revival is needed for things that have become dead, for how can you revive what is already alive?
     That which needs revival is the church that has become complacent and lazy when it comes to the matters of God. For far too long the Church has followed its own agenda rather than God's, and has led worshippers astray by the liberal teaching of false gospels rather than sharing the healing, reviving Gospel of Jesus Christ. It's time to pray for the Holy Spirit to come down and visit our nation with the purifying fire of revival.
     The task of the Gospel preacher is not to fill the pews but to speak God's truth. That way he will be filling the halls of heaven. What comfort will it be in the next life if all people have been fed with in this life are the things that made them feel comfortable in the pew.
     I think that there was good reason for pews to be made of solid wood rather than letting folk sit in comfortable armchairs!

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

I think this picture, which is of a cottage in Norway, fits this poem by W.B. Yeats so well.

The Lake Isle of Innisfree

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee;
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Virgin river and Watchman mountain, Utah

The Virgin river and Watchman mountain, Zion national park, UTAH
A beautiful way to get your day off on the right footing, dreaming of how great it would be to wake up to this view every day. 

Bora Bora ... What a lovely thought for today!

As I look out this morning on the beginnings of another dark, damp day, I think how great it would be to wander along this beach in the warm sun on the island of Bora Bora. Oh well ,,, I can dream, can't I!

God is ALL you need!

Photo: God, you are ENOUGH for me! <3

If you believe this, type AMEN!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

I would like to wish all of my readers a very Happy, Peaceful and Blessed New Year for 2013. May it be a year that brings you all that you need and much that you wish for!