Friday, February 8, 2013

My Hymn choice for today.

I hope that you enjoy this hymn which I wrote to the popular hymn tune 'Jesus Loves Me.'  Please feel free to use it in your Worship Services. All I ask is that you report its use to CCLI.

My Prayer  (1)  7777
Tune: Jesus loves me
Father, hear me as I pray,
Jesus take my sins away;
Help me pass the darkest night,
Praise His glory in the Light.
      Keep me, my Saviour,
      Yes, keep me my Lord;
      Keep me forever,
      As promised in Your Word!
Though in sin I bow in shame,
Help me call upon His name;
Teach me how I should forgive,
As each day in Christ I live.
     Keep me, my Saviour, . . .
Seeking always as I walk
Christ the Truth, the Life, the Way;
Serving Jesus in this world,
Praise Him always every day.
     Keep me, my Saviour, . . .
Helping others in His name,
Find salvation through the Son;
Till we stand in heaven’s light
Praising Him for battles won!
     Keep me, my Saviour, . . .
© 2007  Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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