Friday, February 8, 2013

Yet more 'Great Christian Quotes'

"I cannot agree with those who say that they have 'new truth' to teach. The two words seem to me to contradict each other; that which is new is not true. It is the old that is true, for truth is as old as God himself." - Charles Spurgeon

"We want his power more than his purity."
- David Wilkerson

"With complete consecration comes perfect peace." - Watchman Nee

"Many people claim to be saved from hell but not from sin. A good many are preaching that kind of salvation... The only salvation is through the blood of Jesus that cleanses from all sin." - Apostolic Faith papers #5

"There is something infinitely better than doing a great thing for God, and the infinitely better thing is to be where God wants us to be, to do what God wants us to do, and to have no will apart from His." - G. Campbell Morgan

"Didn´t the Lord tell me from the beginning to give up everything and carry the cross to follow him? This is the Lord´s way. I am following him on the same path... Why should I complain? This is my biggest blessing." - Epaphras from China Soul video (the underground church in China)

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