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Thursday, May 30, 2013

"Jehovah, Lord" : My choice for the 'Hymn for Today'

Jehovah, Lord   6666 D
TUNE: Fount of Purity
 Ours is a mighty God,
He’s the ruler of all;
He’ll always lead and guide,
And catch you when you fall.
He made the heav’ns and earth,
Sun, stars and moon above,
Then He made you and me,
And blessed us with His love.
He made the whole wide world,
And then each living thing;
He made the land and sea,
Now all praise be to Him.
He is the Living God,
The ancient of all days;
He’s our Jehovah, Lord,
Give to Him all your praise.
© 2011 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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