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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Joanne Lowe's Meditations

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
Isaiah 6:8 (King James Version)

John Henry Sheppard who was a teacher in singing schools wrote a song that should challenge all Christians. The name of the song is “Call for Workers”. I believe that the words in this song were written as a prayer that came from his heart.

“Oh, for workers strong and brave, Who will lift the banner high; So the lost can see the way, To the mansions in the sky.” Will you be one of the workers for Jesus who will lift the banner high so the lost can see the way?

For the lost to see Jesus in us, we must have clean hearts. That does not mean that we have to be perfect because no one is perfect. Every one of us fails Jesus in some way. There was only one perfect person who ever lived and His name is Jesus!

It is extremely important that we examine our hearts daily, and sometimes hourly, to be sure that there is nothing in our hearts that hurts Jesus and brings shame to Him. When we serve Him, we are representing Him so we must have clean hearts.

If we are going to be workers for Jesus, we must shut off the television and get out of our comfort zones. We need to visit people who are lonely and hurting and who desperately need to know that someone cares if they live or die.

Have you ever said to Jesus “Here am I; send me”? If not, why haven’t you? Jesus left His home and comfort zone to come to earth to die so we may live. How can we not serve Him after all that He has done for us? Will you go for Jesus?

Joanne Lowe

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