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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Hymn for today . . .

Christ’s Army 66 9 D
TUNE: Trust and Obey
Let us join up and fight
In the army of Christ,
When we wear the whole armour of God;
Let us walk in Christ’s way,
Fighting sin every day,
Walking where our Lord Jesus has trod.

We’ll go forward in prayer,
Knowing Jesus is there,
We’ll wear the helmet of salvation;
We’ll have His shield of faith,
Carry His sword of Truth;
We’ll fight for God’s true holy nation.

We will fight every day,
Knowing right’s on our side.
Until all of life’s battle’s are won;
We’ll fight on in this world,
With our banners unfurled,
Proclaim Jesus, as God’s only Son.
© 2006 : Colin Gordon-Farleigh

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