Benjamin Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb
Vivaldi's Gloria
Zoltan Koda'ly's Missa Brevis
I'm still sore after my operation last week, so I hope that the standing doesn't aggravate matters. I just love to sing, and don't like to miss a concert if I can help it. So, dear reader, a few arrow prayers would be appreciated. I shall say Thank you in advance!I wonder what the top non-sporting hobbies and interests are. Singing must be quite high up on the list, whether it's singing in a choir, barber-shop, duo or solo. Certainly, in terms of group activity, it must rank high. Yes, even solo singing, as long as there's an audience to hear it! What comes in the top ten? What do you enjoy? Let me know, I'm interested!
Of course many hobbies are solo and that can often mean that they are introspective as well. Some are quite crazy! What do you think would be the craziest ideas for a hobby or interest? We could try to make up a Top Ten List. I'll start it off and hope that you, dear reader, will help to extend it!

3. Photographing aeroplane sky-trails
4. . . .
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