Sam definitely does not like the sound of fireworks! In fact, he doesn't really like any sudden noises and so barks when someone shouts or runs past our window or if a car-door suddenly slams shut too near to the house. So you can imagine the way he would be with the constant bans and whizzes of fireworks! Of course, as I wrote on Monday, November 5th was Bonfire Night, and so that meant that there was going to be a few HOURS of noises. This was definitely not the best thing for a peaceful evening for us, but then a friend told us about his dog, which sounded as though they faced the same problem. But he had a solution! He recommended some doggie tranquilisers, so we bought some and HEY PRESTO! we had a peaceful evening. Not that Sam was zonked out, just calmed down, and so although he barked a couple of times, in the main he ignored the bangs, whizzes and whirls.
He suffered no after effects, and didn't sulk about it (He's prone to sulk if he doesn't get his own way, or if we do something he doesn't like).
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