1. Road Rage!
Yesterday I was the victim of road rage. As I was returning home from the next town a moron in a large van decided that I was in his way and tail-gated me before undertaking me and then cutting across the nearside front of our car. He was speeding and I was in his way, something that he objected to. Unfortunately he misjudged the idiotic manoeuvre and hit the nearside front wing of my car, taking off the mirror and damaging the wing.He tried to suggest that it was my fault, and, later in the day in a 'phone call, even tried to say that I'd been weaving in and out of the traffic and he wondered whether I'd been drinking! Not a good suggestion to make to a strictly teetotal member of the cloth! His reason was that I insisted that the matter be dealt with by the relevant insurers, and I suggest that he was driving a works vehicle when he shouldn't have been, hence wanting to keep it quiet.
2. Arson!
Anyway, a couple of hours after the evening 'phone call, after I had insisted that I would not settle things, as he put it, 'quietly', my car was set on fire in the street outside my home. Needless to say I was happy to give the police all the details of the earlier situation and the 'phone conversation.Hmmm! Is it the way my mind works or is it all too much of a coincidence not to be directly connected?
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