Judging by the lack of comment in the papers it would be easy for some people to think that the Zimbabwean election problem has been resolved, and that Mugabe has finally been ousted, but if that's the case then think again. All that has happened is that the world media has found new toys to play with and new stories to tickle their readers with. The reality is that, whilst the Media's back is turned away for a moment, Mugabe's thugs are sowing a harvest of pain as they torture anyone known to be a supporter of the MDC. This torture has a two-fold effect, for not only does it serve to 'punish' those who have dared to oppose this tyrannical despot, but it warns others too against such future opposition.
If Mugabe is successful in what he is attempting to achieve with this brutality then there will be an opportunity for him to win the next round of voting because he will have instilled sufficient fear into the voters. There will be the usual sycophants who stand up and declare that 'the voting has been fair', and then Mugabe will declare that he is the winner because he is the 'popular choice'.
If this is the case then, apart from voices such as mine and the few who are prepared to shout a little louder than others via the Media, a blind eye will once again be turned when it comes to the dreadful things that have occurred and continue to occur, in this once beautiful land that was known as the bread-basket of Africa.
No Christian should stand by and let this horrendous despot continue in power without at the very least making protest through their elected representative in order to ensure that Mugabe is ostracized as much as possible by civilized society, and that governments around the world do all within their power to destroy this terrible despotic rule that Mugabe is perpetuating. Thankfully he is now 84 years old, which means that, at the very worst, he will die soon and go to the Hell that he so richly deserves, there to pay for ever for his tyranny.
Unfortunately, if we have to wait for him to die of natural causes before his rule ends, then it means that millions of people will continue to either live in a state of constant deprivation and suffering, facing death every day either due to starvation or their opposition to this emissary of the devil. I, for one, pledge that I will not let this matter go. I will do all that I can to uphold the people of Zimbabwe in prayer and to support them through the raising of my voice above the parapet of apathy that exists simply because so many think that this is not their problem. Once again we are in a position of seeing evil exist because the good are standing by and turning their backs.
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