If you are corrupt enough to inveigle and cheat your way into the presidency of a nation, then you too can have a comfy little home like this one. All you need to do is ensure that you subjugate your people to the point of death by starvation and disease and the money rolls in to fill up your coffers. Of course you have to put up with the occasional downside as well, like your wife swanning of to stay in £600 per night hotels in countries that don't allow you to enter them, but that's small change for a despot like Robert Gabriel Mugabe, who lives in this palace.
While his people starve, and die because of no medical help....and we are asked to help his people over and over again...he and his family live like this.......his GREED kills his people.....
Lobby your elected representatives continually until this evil tyrant is deposed. That's the very least you can do for the impoverished people of Zimbabwe.
While his people starve, and die because of no medical help....and we are asked to help his people over and over again...he and his family live like this.......his GREED kills his people.....
Lobby your elected representatives continually until this evil tyrant is deposed. That's the very least you can do for the impoverished people of Zimbabwe.
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