I continue to keep a close watch on Zimbabwe, holding that beleaguered nation and its people in my prayers. I continue to pray for the removal of the tyrant Mugabe and his henchmen, and that they may be brought to trial for their crimes against the people of Zimbabwe. Whilst the people face shorter and shorter life-expectancy, the elderly pariah, Mugabe, continues to live in luxurious surroundings with no shortage of anything that his demented mind desires. How does he do it? How does he cling on to power, despite the will of the people to see him and his evil band of thugs removed from office (and preferably from the face of the earth)? The answer is simple. So much of the leadership in Africa is corrupt, and for the leaders of other African nations to stand firm against Mugabe might just focus on the corruption in their own back yards.
Human rights have continued to deteriorate drastically in Zimbabwe again this year. In addition to the indirect denial of such basic human rights as food and clean water, health care and education, the last few months has been marked with the shootings of illegal diamond miners by the police and army, the arrest of more than seventy people at trade union protests, the detention of Woman of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA) members after peaceful protests and the systematic targeting and detention of human rights defenders.
Zimbabweans are suffering through a devastating economic and human rights crisis as millions struggle to survive. Despite a recent political agreement, for thousands of Zimbabweans, politics remains less important than food.
As a Christian I cannot stand by and do nothing at all. Despite the distance geographically, prayer does not recognise distance, and so I implore you to join in prayer for Zimbabwe and its people on a daily basis. Pray for the removal of the political canker that is personified by Mugabe and his despotic rule, and pray for the strengthening and recovery of the people whose suffering is so unbearably great.
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