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Friday, March 20, 2009

Emynau Cymraeg: 'Y Pasg'

Here is a song for Easter for you to sing at your Easter Celebration Services. I've put the English and the Welsh wording for you, dear reader, and hope you enjoy singing it.


Canwch eich mawl i Frenin nef,
Daw’r Pasg â llawen wawr.
Codwch eich lleisiau gyda’r llu
Sy’n moli Duw yn awr!

Dathlu a wnawn fod Iesu’n fyw
 llais a chalon lawn.
Fe goncrodd ef holl ofn y bedd
A’n cyfiawnhau a’i Iawn.

Ei fuddugoliaeth yw ein braint,
Ei wobr yw ein rhan,
Cawn foli’i tragwyddoldeb maith
Ei enw yn y man.

Pob calon lân sy’n llawn o gân
Yn datgan mawl i’r Iôr,
Wrth ddathlu’r dydd y gwnaeth ni’n rhydd
A’i gariad fel y môr.
Eirlys Gruffydd © 2009


Sing out your praises to our King
This happy Easter day!
Lift up your voice and join the throng
That praises God today!

We celebrate the risen Lord
With heart and voice and soul;
For He has overcome the grave
So we can be made whole.

His victory is ours to share,
His prize is ours to claim!
Now we can spend eternity
Praising His holy name!

So now with joyful hearts sing out!
Sing loud and true and long.
Celebrate this glorious day,
With thankful praise and song.
© Colin Gordon-Farleigh, April 2006
The tune is 'Nativity' which is a well-known tune written by Isaac Watts. The version that is shown in the picture at the top of this post is an arrangement by Sarah Atter, a very talented arranger and accomplished musician, who often works with me with Sheer Joy Music. The arrangement is available to you either by clicking on the image above and printing it off or you can get it by post if you email me giving your post details. Make sure to ask for the music by name!

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