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Monday, March 30, 2009

The Islamification of Britain

There are many examples of Britain leading the world in the past when it comes to voicing outrage at human rights violations, and broadsides have been levelled at countries such as China, Zimbabwe, Cambodia and many more, for the manner in which people or groups of people have been persecuted, even their basic human rights being withdrawn from them. All of this is right and proper, for if we allow persecution to go unchecked, no matter where or what it is, then it reduces us to a similar level of the persecutors. It is as though by burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the situation, we become complicit partners with the persecutors against the persecuted.

In many nations of the world persecution continues against one group of people in particular, so why is our government so silent about it? In many Muslim countries countless Christians are being persecuted in the extreme as a direct result of their faith. Not only are they being subjected to the most inhumane treatment, but they are also being murdered in the most violent manner. Age is no barrier, neither is gender. All that matters is that the victims are human beings who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ rather than submitting to the iron fist of Islamic fundamentalism.

For many people in this country it is perhaps all too easy to convince themselves that the problem does not affect them because it is happening in lands that are both far-off and unconnected to them. After all, they argue, such things could never happen in this country could they?

To all people who think like this I urge you to WAKE UP! The relentant march of the most unacceptable face of Islam in Britain is taking place right now. Do nothing about it and one day you'll find yourselves waking up to a new world order that you certainly won't like. For many years this country has played both host and haven for many of the global Islamic extremists who have carried out their plotting and perpetrated the spreading of poison against anyone daring to disagree with their brand of hate-filled rhetoric, proselytising British born nationals in the process. What a ridiculous situation it is when the tax-payer against whom the rhetoric is targeted should also be, via the benefit system, the provider for those whose aim is to destroy the British way of life, replacing it with that of Islamic extremism.

In this they have been aided and abetted by successive governments, each more blatant in their support than the previous, as new laws have been drafted to protect these perpetrators of hatred from deportation, or even, generally speaking, from prosecution. Admittedly there has been the occasional prosecution, but nothing that would serve to stem the increasing tide. In all of this one of the greatest tools that has been put at the disposal of such people is that of Political Correctness. People, deemed sensible in many areas of their lives, are afraid to speak out at what they not only perceive but know is wrong, for fear of being challenged through the Courts as being Politically Incorrect.

It's time to stop this nonsense. It's time to stop the rot. It's time to stop the Islamification of Britain and return to a nation that takes pride in its Christian heritage and culture.

Who can make a difference? Who can turn the tide in the face of increasing opposition and the implementation of laws which are designed to further protect those who seek to destroy the way of life that has evolved over hundreds of years in this country? Why, the answer, my friends, is that YOU CAN!

If you lay claim to being a Christian then it's time to take a firm stand and reclaim this country for Christ. Bear in mind that the law will not help you. In fact, in many instances, the law will set its face against you. But then again, Jesus Himself promised that it would never be easy being one of His followers, and those words are as true today as they were when He uttered them.

I'm not talking about just going to worship in one of the thousands of churches that are nine-tenths empty at every service, but of wearing your Christian faith in every walk of your life, proclaiming it from the rooftops if necessary. Let the elected realise that YOUR votes are important to them and they'll start to join the turning tide.

When the leaders of the State Church, the Church of England, by and large fail to lead their people properly, is it any wonder that the advance of Islam is taking place so rapidly. Even the Druid who is also the Archbishop of Canterbury supports the concepts of implementing Sharia Law in Britain, and is certainly backward when it comes to coming forward on the subject of Britain's Islamification. Thank God, and I mean that in its truest sense, for men of the calibre of Michael Nazir-Ali, Bishop of Rochester, and of Dr John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York, for without such men, and a few others like them, the Church of England would most probably have lain on its proverbial back with its feet in the air by now, in an act of total submission.

For decades the church has, through a mixture of non-gospel based messages, often little more than soft-styled opinions, and its arroagnat refusal to assert itself over the issue of its core beliefs, gradually aided and abetted its own attempted suicide. Threatened by the increasing waves of secularism and Islamification it has tried only to find ways to accommodate those who seek to destroy its very existence. The end result is that it has failed in its mission to safeguard the spiritual life of the nation and morphed into little more than an extra arm of the Social Services. What it should have been doing, and desperately needs to be doing now, is teaching and implementing the Ten Commandments which are all that we need to live Godly lives by, and pointing people towards Salvation through Jesus Christ. The Church should be preaching against secularism, not embracing it; teaching Christian moral and ethical values, not ignoring them; reaching out to, and supporting, the people, not rushing headlong into destruction regardless.

It is time for the most valiant and outspoken Christians in this land to come together and join forces to mobilise an army of Christians, inspired by Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, to reclaim this land of ours. Perhaps then we'll be able to have some hope for the future of our children and grandchildren. The time to do this is NOW. Act TODAY to rid our nation of the cankers that seek to destroy it and bring it down! Let the various Christian organisations who truly believe and truly have faith, come together and, putting aside their differences, show that the greatness that built this nation still exists as a remnant and can, phoenix-like, rise once again from the ashes of today's Godless society.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree. This worried me:

I hope it'll be the final nail in Ms Smith's coffin. although probably not.