Andrew Strom's latest book, Survive the Depression, has just been published here in the UK by Voice Publications, 33 Balfour Street, Runcorn, WA7 4PH, UK. It's available by post in return for a donation to cover the costs of dispatch. Feel free to order more than one copy.
Here are a few of the reviews for this excellent book:
Judy Ann Wade writes:
This was an excellent book. The author didn't just speak about what his opinions were, but also brought forth prophecies by others who have laid everything at the feet of Jesus. His insights on Saul, Jonathon and David were some of the best I have read. A book that will convict those who want to get serious in their relationship with the Lord. He gives step-by-step instructions from some of the greatest men who lived during a revival. This man has a heart for God and wants others to pour their hearts out to him on behalf of the church and the nation. A timely message that should be heeded by every Christian who names the name of Jesus Christ. The author doesn't just spout a bunch of "gloom and doom" but is actually giving the reader God's way to trust Him in the coming days of depression and upheaval of our nation. A book that will definitely lead one into a closer relationship with God if they follow the instructions. Don't just read the book, do what it says, for a wonderful blessing!
D. Villamar-Nunez writes:
This book is amazing. Andrew is a true prophet and this book is not something to read like a novel. It's a wake up call. If you are a Christian, be ready to feel uncomfortable because the church has become complacent. It's a real eye opener and I will be reading it again and again and again. I've already passed it on to several friends.
Rev. Joyce E. Purdue (Niagara Fall, New York) writes:
Excellent book. I carry it in my pocketbook, and keep reading it when I have an extra minute even while traveling. Well worth buying, and having in your library. Thank God for the information Andrew gives as he prepares us for these awesome days we are now living in. Makes an excellent gift for anytime of the year.
Daphne Vilhauer writes:
After I read the Survive the Depression, my faith was moved to a higher level! This is a must read for anyone who wants to know the TRUTH of what is happening in these Last Days! I agreed on all points of this book as I have similar dreams and warnings...the time is to Come Out of Babylon My People. Repent and turn your heart back to the Father. If you want to know what is about to shake our world..read the Word of the Lord and you will find that much if not all of what Mr. Strom has written is in the Word of God. We are in for a bumpy ride but our Father will cause us to stand if we turn our hearts back to Him in repentance and walk in His WAY.
If you would like to receive a copy or copies, either order direct by post or email an order through to me.
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