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Friday, December 3, 2010

Can the Bible and the Q'ran sit comfortably side by side?

"So, who do you say I am?"
Today, there is a movement in the USA, led by several misguided Presbyterian ministers to unify Christianity and Islam, and called the 'Chrislam' movement. The movement denies in the process:

  • That Jesus is the only Son of God
  • That Jesus died on the Cross, accepting the explanation in the Q'ran that it was more likely either Simon of Cyrene or Judas Iscariot.
  • That you can be a follower of Christ without necessarily believing that Jesus died for the forgiveness of sin and that mankind might have the opportunity to be reconciled to God through Him.
Let me state categorically that these beliefs are pure heresy. They go against the very basic tenets of the Christian faith! The fact that some misguided people choose to believe them does not make them true, and only serves to emphasise one of the names attributed to Satan, that of the Great Deceiver.

Jesus stated as an absolute, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No-one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6) Jesus did not suggest that He was one of the ways in which people could be reconciled to God. He stated categorically that He was the only way. 

We do not all worship the same God. Many religions worship a variety of gods. We learn from Scripture for example, about those who carve a god out of wood to erect on a pedestal and worship, and then put the remnants of the carving on the fire to warm themselves. Both Jews and Christians do worship the same God, Jehovah. Muslims, however, worship Allah, the Moon god.

There are many gods in the world, but only one true God, and that is Jehovah (or Yahweh), who is the Creator of the whole of existence.

There is only one mediator between God and mankind, and that is Jesus, the appointed Christ, who is the second person of the Holy Trinity --- Father, Son and Holy Spirit --- the Three-in-One.

To go down the road of attempting to reconcile God to man's ideas is completely erroneous. Make no mistake, to follow this heretical teaching which proposes 'Chrislam' is to condemn yourself to Hell as a direct result of this Satanic deception.

You will gather from my tone in this blog-post that I am most definitely not under the liberal banner, and I praise the Lord for that. My purpose in writing it is to warn any of you who read it of the perils of moving away from the teachings of Holy Scripture.

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